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Second Ward High School and Myers Street Grade School
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"Rock of Ages" Charlotte Observer, 2/8/1987
"Rock of Ages:" Charlotte's Black Churches Weather Adversity and Retain Strength by Kathleen McLain
Henry and Mariah Houston
Exploring Brooklyn: The Houston home and offices of the Charlotte Post, 624 E. 2nd St. 
Second Ward High School Site Marker
In 1923, the city opened two new high schools, Central High School on Elizabeth Ave. for white students and Second Ward High School on Alexander St. for black students.
World War II Rationing Board, Colored Section
Rationing sets limits on how much sugar, meat, and other everyday goods Americans are allowed to buy during times of war.
Members of the Rameses Temple in front of the Brevard Street Library, 1944
Rameses Temple members pose in front of the Brevard Street Library - July 28, 1944. Opened in 1905, the Brevard Street Library was the first to serve North Carolina's black community.
Charlotte Observer, September 19, 1987, p.5C
Charlotte's Charles Parks plays with the Newark Eagles in the Negro Baseball League. 
Charlotte's first black police officers, 1947
Negro officers get “full status” in Police Dept: 1947. 
Jackie Robinson with Charlotte newspaper carriers
Charlotte's Charles Younge, holding the bat, stands beside Dodger Jackie Robinson and Charlotte Observer carriers.  Jackie Robinson plays second base for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Before that time, blacks could only play in separate Negro leagues. 
President and Mrs. McCrorey
Dr. H.L. McCrorey served as president of Johnson C. Smith University from 1907 to 1947. The photo shows Dr. and Mrs. H.L. McCrorey in their home.
Miss Queen City Classic, 1948
The Queen City Classic football game becomes an annual contest between the two black high schools, Second Ward and West Charlotte.
Allegra Westbrooks at work
Allegra Westbrooks comes to head the Negro Library Services for the Public Library. She becomes well-known as a career woman within the broader Charlotte professional community.
African American Graduates, US Naval Training Center
Desegregation of Armed Forces: July 26, 1948.
Kelly Alexander, Sr. becomes head of NC NAACP: 1948.
Golden Bell Quintet
WBTV signs on: July 15, 1949.
Carver College opens a campus at Second Ward High School
Carver College opens: 1949
Arthur Grier, right, at the Exclesior Club
Arthur Grier builds Grier Heights:
Hotel Alexander
Hotel Alexander: Late 40s, on McDowell St in Charlotte. Only hotel for blacks between Washington and Atlanta.
Floyd McKissick enters UNC Law School: