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The Charlotte Sanatorium was a five-story, private hospital located on the southeast corner of Seventh and Church Streets.
The Charlotte Sanatorium operated from 1907 to 1942. This 100 room, privately owned hospital was located at the southeast corner of Seventh and Church Streets. The building was later used for offices before being demolished in the mid-1950s. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: S H Kress
the Charlotte Sanatorium was in existence from 1907-1942. It was privately owned and lead by about thirty physicians and surgeons. It was 5 stories, fireproof, and had space for one-hundred patients. It was located on the corner of Seventh and Church Streets.
The Charlotte Sanatorium operated from 1907 to 1942. It was a general, 100 bed hospital, privately owned by thirty local doctors. The hospital was located on the southeast corner of Seventh and Church Streets. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: Stone and Barringer Publishers
The Charlotte Sanatorium operated from 1907 to 1942. This 100 room, privately owned hospital was located at the southeast corner of Seventh and Church Streets. The building was later used for offices before being demolished in the mid-1950s. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: Curteichcolor
This picture of the Charlotte Sanitarium was copied from a 1909 postcard. The Charlotte Sanitarium operated from 1907 to 1942. This 100 room, privately owned hospital was located on the southeast corner of Seventh and Church Streets.
View of Charlotte from the Sanatorium Roof Garden. The latter was located on southwest corner of 7th and Church Streets. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: S H Kress
View of Charlotte skyline looking southeast from the Sanatorium X-Ray room at North Church and Seventh Streets. Photograph taken on April 10, 1916. Physical Description: 4x5 negative and print Publisher: Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County
Six postcard views of early Charlotte hospitals
The first hospital in Charlotte emerged during the Civil War at the North Carolina Military Institute. From 1876, a number of private hospitals, including St.
Additional Information: Age at Death: blind right eye Home Address: Tranquil Park Sanatorium, Charlotte Disability: blind right eye Image Source:
THE battle of Charlotte is given scant attention in general histories of the Revolution, but the battle marked the turning point in the fortunes of the British. Never thereafter did the enemy wage a very successful offensive.
Morse’s partner, William Thomas Lindsay was born in Texas in 1860, and depending on which document you go by, he was either born in Fort Worth or Waco, Texas. (1) The spelling of his surname is quite different on these official documents.


Military Branch

Image Type

Type of School

County Quadrant