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Charlotte's most serious labor disturbance occurred near midnight on August 25, 1919, when five men were killed and more than a dozen wounded by police guarding car barns of the Southern Public Utilities Company against damage by striking conductors and motormen.
photo courtesy of the Charlotte Observer (8/13/1943)
The Charlotte Quartermaster Depot was activated on May 16, 1941, when three Army officers and 32 civilians, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Clare W.
Early settler's log house
December 3, 1768 - Charlotte is chartered, which means the new town will have a courthouse and a prison. The law establishing a town for holding court in Mecklenburg County was first passed at a session of the colonial Assembly.
Names and Dates of Appointment:Edward Wayne   January 1, 1795Ephriam B. Davidson   October 1, 1799Archibald Frew   October 1, 1801James Robb   October 1, 1810Archibald Frew   July 1, 1811William Davidson
It has been in operation since 1968. This cemetery is visible from the road. It is on the east side of Hood Rd. near the intersection with Robinson Church Rd.   Documentation
Samuel McComb finds gold at Irwin Creek, near what will be the intersection of West Morehead and Graham streets one day. He is the first to follow a deposit called a vein of gold.
April 10, 1922 - With 100 watts of power, WBT signs on the air. It is one of the nation's first radio stations. By the 1930s, WBT will be broadcasting the popular adventure series, The Lone Ranger. Country music artists who hope to find success play and sing as devoted listeners tune in.


Military Branch

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Type of School

County Quadrant