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literary publication; SEE ALSO Charlotte High School (to 1920), Alexander Graham High School (1921-1923), Garinger High School (1959-present)
literary publication, 2 copies; SEE ALSO Charlotte High School (to 1920), Alexander Graham High School (1921-1923), Garinger High School (1959-present)
literary publication; SEE ALSO Charlotte High School (to 1920), Alexander Graham High School (1921-1923), Garinger High School (1959-present)
Looking East
Looking east from Army Headquarters, during completion of Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C.
Day pass for Israel Dorman
Day Pass for "I. Dorman" to leave Camp Greene and visit Charlotte.
Music Festival Program
The Charlotte Music Festival Association, Inc. presented the Entente Allies' Patriotic Music Festival at the Auditorium on April 26 and 27th, 1918. The proceeds benefited the American Red Cross. This shows the cover of the program for this event.
Trench and Camp
Trench and Camp was a weekly newspaper written for the soldiers at Camp Greene by the Y. M. C. A. and printed by The Charlotte Observer.
Sydenham B. Alexander, Commander, Mecklenburg Camp, United Confederate Veterans
Captain Sydenham B. Alexander served in NC 42nd Regiment, Company K. He was Commander of Mecklenburg Camp of North Carolina Veterans of Charlotte, North Carolina from 1912-1915.
This marker commemorates the signing of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence and the Battle of Charlotte. Made of bronze, it is imbedded in the middle of the intersection of Trade and Tryon Streets. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: Tichnor Brothers
Four Methodist churches in Charlotte: Hawthorne Lane Methodist, First Methodist, Myers Park Methodist, and Dilworth Methodist. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: Genuine Curteich
Elizabeth College operated in Charlotte from 1896 to 1915. It was located at the intersection of Hawthorne Lane and Elizabeth Avenue. Today the buildings are part of Presbyterian Hospital. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: Souvenier Postcard Company
Suttle Swimming Pool was located on Wilkerson Boulevard in Charlotte. Other amusements included archery, miniature golf, a merry-go-round and swinging chairs. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: Dixie News Company
The Cornelius Branch first opened in the mid-1930s. Today this area is served by North County Regional Library. Physical Description: Publisher: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
Gravestone of James G. Wilkinson in Old Settlers Cemetery. This is the oldest cemetery in Charlotte. It is located at the corner of 5th and Church Streets Physical Description: 8x10 black and white Publisher: Unknown
Workmen for the George Stephen's Company constructing a roadbed. The streetcar that traveled from uptown to Charlotte to Myers Park is in the background. Physical Description: 8x10 4x5 negative 1 copy Publisher: Unknown
Employees of the George Stephen's Company laying the tracks for the street cars that would travel from uptown Charlotte to Myers Park. Physical Description: 8x10 glossy4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown
Unknown woman in large hat and wearing a corsage. Physical Description: 4x4 print4x5 negative Publisher: Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County
This image of First Presbyterian Church was taken prior to the addition of the Sunday School Building in 1894. Physical Description: 4x5 negatives Publisher: Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County
Looking north on Tryon Street from Fourth Street. Physical Description: 8x 1035 mm negative Publisher: Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County
Three young men, possibly brothers, unidentified, posing for a portrait. Physical Description: 4x5 negatives4x4 print Publisher: Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County


Military Branch

Image Type

Type of School

County Quadrant