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1971 - The North State Law Enforcement Association, a professional association for black police officers, sues the City of Charlotte.
In 1891, the Charlotte Literary and Library Association was a subscription library located above Stone and Barringer's Bookstore. This means the library customers had to pay to use the library. After it closed, it became obvious that a city the size of Charlotte needed a public library.
The Charles R. Jonas Federal Building is an historic two-story, limestone structure in the neo-classical design. Completed in 1915, it is located at 401 West Trade Street, in Charlotte. An addition was built in 1934.
The Charles R. Jonas Federal Building is an historic two-story, limestone structure in the neo-classical design. Completed in 1915, it is located at 401 West Trade Street, in Charlotte.
The Charles R. Jonas Federal Building is an historic two-story, limestone structure in the neo-classical design. Completed in 1915, it is located at 401 West Trade Street, in Charlotte.
Dorothy Counts, enduring abuse at Harding High School
September 4, 1957: Three years after the US Supreme Court decision in favor of desegregation, four courageous young people change Charlotte forever when they become the first black students to enroll in all-white schools.
The following article recounts the speech made by President Woodrow Wilson upon his visit to Charlotte, North Carolina during the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence celebrations.   The Charlotte News 5/20/1916 Night Edition Section 2, p.1


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