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Marriage: Mr. Henry Schenk and Mrs. Lucinda Abernathy Location: n.p. Married at the home of M. Warlick,Esq. Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below. Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/10/1877
Marriage: Mr. Henry Scott and Miss Mary M. Atkinson Location: Raleigh,Wake County,NC Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below. Source: Charlotte Democrat - 3/18/1873
Marriage: Mr. Benjamin F. Seagle and Miss Josie Haltawanger Location: Hickory, Catawba County,NC Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below. Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/28/1880
Marriage: Mr. James H. Seegers and Miss Sarah Jane Hall Location: Morning Star Twp, Mecklenburg County,NC Married by J.W. Hood, Esq. Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below. Source: Charlotte Democrat - 3/16/1877
Marriage: Mr. H. A. Self and Miss Laura F. Baxter Location: Lincoln County,N.C. Married by Rev. J.E. Hartsell. Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below. Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/12/1887
Marriage: Mr. Franklin A. Servis and Miss Jane C. Hayes Location: Gastoon County,NC Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below. Source: Charlotte Democrat - 4/16/1872
Marriage: Mr. George M. Shaffner and Miss Mary Jane Faust Location: Guilford County, NC Family Information: Mr. S. E. Faust Source: Charlotte Home Democrat - 10/21/1881
Marriage: Mr. Lemuel Sheilds and Miss Julia ALexander Location: Mecklenburg County,NC Married by Rev. R.A. Miller Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below. Source: Charlotte Democrat - 11/15/1889
Marriage: Mr. Don D. Shelton and Miss Susie Bitting Location: Winston, Forsyth County,N.C. Father of the bride, Col. J.A. Bitting is listed as the president of the First National Bank of Winston. Family Information: Colonel J. A. Bitting
Marriage: Mr. William R. Shepperd and Miss Dovie Royster Beaver Location: Cleveland County,N.C. Family Information: Esquire S. M. Beaver, Sr. Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/16/1890
Marriage: Mr. George M. Shoffner and Miss Mary Jane Foust Location: Guilford County,NC Family Information: Esquire S. E. Faust Source: Charlotte Home Democrat - 10/21/1881
Marriage: Mr. T. A. Sikes and Miss Ada Flow Location: Charlotte, Mecklenburg County,NC Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below. Source: Source Not Cited - 5/22/1891
Marriage: Reverend Brevard D. Sinclair and Miss Tetulah K. Blair Location: Kansas City, Missouri Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below. Source: Charlotte Democrat - 4/11/1887
Marriage: Reverend Bennett Smedes and Miss Henrietta Harvey Location: Raleigh, Wake County,NC Rev. Smedes is principal of St. Mary's School, Raleigh.Frederick Harvey, resident of Louisiana. Family Information: Mr. Frederick Harvey
Marriage: Mr. Joseph C. Smith and Miss Lizzie J. Archie Location: Poplar Tent, Cabarrus County,NC Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below. Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/19/1886
Marriage: Esquire Smauel P. Smith and Miss Rosa P. Biddle Location: New Bern, Craven County,N.C. Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below. Source: Charlotte Democrat - 12/25/1879
Marriage: Mr. James Snead and Mrs. Susan Black Location: Gaston County,N.C. Married by J. Kiser, Esq. Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below. Source: Charlotte Democrat - 3/10/1884
Marriage: Reverend D. A. Snider and Mrs. Mittie Bivens Location: Rock Rest, Union County,N.C. Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below. Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/15/1891
Marriage: Mr. W. F. Snider and Miss Jennie Helms Location: Salisbury, Rowan County, NC Family Information: Mr. Reuben J. Helms Source: Charlotte Home Democrat - 6/23/1882
Marriage: Mr. J. S. Sossamon and Miss Sallie Barnett Location: Huntersville, Mecklenburg County,NC Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below. Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/15/1891


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