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He is not a resident of the state, and an attachment is being levied against him for land he owns adjacent to Wm. Cooper, land on which Wm. Flennikin now lives, adjacent to Harvey Elliott and Mrs. McLenahan, and on 2 lots in Charlotte on Trade St.
He was closing his book store in Charlotte and selling his books and stationary. See death notices: he died of tuberculosis four months later. Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business. Business
Sale of personal property and rental of slaves, if not previously sold, held at her estate 9 miles from Charlotte of the road to Mason`s Ferry May include the sale of land, goods or slaves owned by the deceased, notice to heirs, or notice to creditors. Probate and estate
Advertising arrival of fall goods at Charlotte store. On Feb 15 1833 he announces he has moved to house formerly occupied by John G. Hoskins. Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business. Business
Lost on the road between the Sardis meeting house and Charlotte, a red plaid coat. Information to Jas. Hayes near Sardis or myself near Walkersville P.O. Mecklenburg Co. May include sale of personal goods, or notice of lost or stolen items. Personal Property
`The Rev. C.C. Petty will leave Charlotte, Mecklenburg County,NC, with a large party, for the colony, coming by way of Atlanta, Montgomery, New Orleans, San Antonio, and El Paso, Texas.` p.3 Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business. Business
Col. Grier`s Regiment of the Cavalry and Col. Coleman`s 1st Regiment of NC Volunteers are ordered to parade in Charlotte to commemorate the 1st Declaration of American Independence on May 20. Troops are ordered to assemble, armed and equiped, for practice. Muster
Public notice given that she and her daughter Jenny, formerly of Cabarrus and Anson County, and now living at the Engine, commonly known as the Wallace`s 6 or 7 miles south of Charlotte, is passing herself off as a reputable woman. Notices of summons, arrests, garnishments, etc.
Charlotte dentist living at Boyd`s Hotel. He will insert natural, artificial or incorruptible teeth, and plug, clean, file or extract. His stay here will be short. Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business. Business
Nine likely young negroes from the estate will be offered for sale: Charlotte, George, Robert, Mary, Eli, Caroline, Columbus, Nancy and Mary. Notice of the sale of slaves or of runaway slaves. Check estate sales first, as this is where most slave sales are listed. Slavery
`The `lemon squeezing` last night at Mrs. D.J.W. Smith`s residence, for the new brick church (held by Club #6, Mrs. Smith, President), was the largest house entertainment ever by our people in Charlotte,NC.` P.2
Sale of personal property, slaves and land, including a 30 acre adjoining Charlotte. See also 1-5-1833. May include the sale of land, goods or slaves owned by the deceased, notice to heirs, or notice to creditors. Probate and estate
The Concord Lycomprehensibles invite the Charlotte Fantasticals to a Barbacue at Concord of an Ox roasted whole, with bones and hoofs, and to join in their confused procession to the place of the gormandizing, when the Col. Commandant will address his soldiers.
`The young ladies of the city gave the visiting ladies a grand reception at the home of Miss Lula S. Thompson on S. Mint St., Charlotte, NC., Monday evening. All present ejoyed themselves highly.`p.8 Notices not included in the other notice catagories. Misc
`I desire to know the whereabouts of my sister. She belonged to a man by the name of McKain. She has one brother, Robert Mills: three sisters: Charlotte, Tenner, and Jane. Her mother is named Harriet Edener.` Tenner Prince Fletcher, NCp.6
Dissolution of firm. Partner R. Gillespie has moved to South Carolina. Debtors may settle account with Dr. Sam`l B. Watson at his father`s residence in Charlotte, in the house formerly owned by Dr. M. Dougherty. Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business.
The church was established in 1880. It was in what was then called Allen, NC, but it is now part of Charlotte. The Carolina Room has listings of those buried before Spring 2001. This survey was done by Paula Griffin.
This cemetery was established in 1971. The cemetery office is in Charlotte. Contact the office first for help in finding particular graves. It is on the west side of Beatties Ford Rd. near the intersection with Hambright Rd. It is visible from Beatties Ford Rd.
Pinewood Cemetery
This cemetery is owned by the City of Charlotte and was originally designated for African-Americans. In a 1893 report from the Good Samaritan Hospital, some of the patients who died that year were buried in Pinewood in the Hospital lot at the expense of the hospital.
Co. B., First (Bethel) Regiment Co. C., First (Charlotte Grays) Regiment Co. C., First Regiment, NC Calvary View Pages


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