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Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Died in Glasgow, Scotland on Nov 14 from wounds sustained during the invasion of France. He had originally been sent to an English hospital, and his wife had last heard that he was being returned to the states. Memorial marker in Cambridge, England.
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was a combat pilot of a P-51 bomber on a mission to Regenberg, Germany. A memorial services was held at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in North Carolina in December, 1945. The services were directed by the members of the Fred L. Brewer Post No.
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Listed on the WWII Honor List for Mecklenburg County. Note that he died in camp.Memorial service held at First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church on Apr 18, 1946, for those who died the previous year. Age at Death: Unavailable
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Having made his last required jump, he was scheduled to return to the US. He died of wounds received on Corregidor. A memorial service was held at First Baptist Church in July 14, 1946. Age at Death: 24
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Died with fellow Mecklenburg Co. men, Edward Norton and Paul Caldwell, on a troop transport ship that was attacked and sunk. A joint memorial service was held for Bruner and Paul B. Caldwell at Thomasboro Presbyterian Church on June 4, 1944.
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Flew 60 missions in the Pacific Theatre. He was killed in a plane crash at Leyte in the Philippines. Memorial marker at Ft. McKinley, Manila, PI. He was the only casualty from Caldwell Presbyterian Church. Age at Death: 28
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was among the first to land at Normandy on D-Day. Memorial service at St. Peters on Sep 23, 1944. Mother honored as a Gold Star Mother on Nov 12, 1944. At the time of his death he had 27 relatives in the service, 19 of them overseas.
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: His plane exploded in mid-air and crashed while on a routine test flight. Memorial service at Amity Presbyterian on Apr 22, 1945. He had piloted 33 missions. Buried in northern France with full military honors. Age at Death: 21
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: A memorial service was held at St. Lukes Lutheran Church on 2-24-1946. A group of Marines from the ammunition depot on York Road, the former Navy shell plant, sounded Taps at the memorial service. Memorial marker at Ft. McKinley, Manila, PI.
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He went overseas on 11-1-1942 and served there for 27 months. He took part in the D-Day invasion of France.Funeral services were held in Heath Springs at Salem Methodist Church on December 19, 1948.
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Lt. Chapman received his wings at Craig Field, AL in 10/1942 and went overseas the same year. He was killed in a crash returning from a mission in the European theater. His memorial service was at First Baptist Church on 7-14-1946.
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was serving on the destroyer U. S. S. Kimberly when a Japanese suicide plane crashed into the gun mount at which he was stationed. Memorial marker at Punchbowl National Memorial Cemetery in Honolulu, HI. Age at Death: 26
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Plane hit by anti-aircraft fire over Tilburg, Holland or Duren, Germany. Plane was heading back across the English Channel when the engine caught fire and several crew members parachuted out.
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: His name appeared on the Mecklenburgs Honored Dead roster that appeared in the local newspaper. His name did not appear on the Honor List for Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina, from the War Dept. published in June, 1946. Age at Death: Unavailable
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was shot down by a Japanese suicide plan that attacked his ship on Easter Sunday. He died at sea. He was supposed to have come home 5 days later. Memorial service on Feb 3, 1946 at Brevard St. Methodist Church. Age at Death: 20
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: The newspaper reported that he and his brothers were among the first paratroopers to reach England and were there for more than a year before the invasion of the continent. He died from wounds received in action in Holland on 10-7-1944.
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was found hanging in an apartment that he shared with another officer. The police homicide squad investigated the case. His promotion to Major was announced the day after his body was found. His funeral was on 7-15-1945 at Harry and Bryant Chapel.
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Gravely wounded by mortar fire on Feb 19 on Mt. Suribachi, Iwo Jima. Died a week later aboard a hospital ship. Burial in the 5th Marine Division Cemetery at the foot of Mt. Suribachi. Memorial service at Indian Trail Methodist Church in May, 1948.
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Was shot down over Frankfurt, Germany.Died as a POW at the Reims Military Hospital in France, and his body was later returned to the U.S. Last rites were conducted at McEwen chapel, with interment at Evergreen Burial park in Mint Hill on Apr 16, 1949.
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed during the invasion of France. Buried in a cemetery in Ste. Mere Anglaise, France. Memorial service at Stough Memorial Baptist on Aug 6, 1944. The second man from Pineville to be killed in the war. Age at Death: 20


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