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2018-09 - News from the Carolina Room
News…From the Carolina Room
Jane Johnson
Manager, Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room
Main Library, 310 N. Tryon, Charlotte, NC
It has been my pleasure to serve the public for the last 21 years as an employee of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. I want to thank all who have come here to use our space in the Main Library for research, those who have donated time, materials and volunteer hours, and those who use and have not had the pleasure to visit us in person. With this last newsletter, I want to introduce you to Leonora Kaufmann, who is the new Carolina Room Manager, until my replacement is hired. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to call and ask for her or the NCR staff at 704-416-0150. Librarian Shelia Bumgarner has volunteer to continue the newsletter, so you will hear from her in the future about our great new resources and programs.
Our cataloguers have been extremely busy to add these new materials to our collection between 8/1/2018 and 8/31/2018. To search the Library’s entire catalog, please visit To learn more about library services and programs, go to
- 100 Lost Architectural Treasures of Old Charlotte
- 1939 Unsolved Murder of Bob Hines in Richmond County, North Carolina, The
- Arbiters of Compromise: Sectionalism, Unionism, and Secessionism in Maryland and North Carolina, The
- Atlas Map of Morgan County, IL (1872)
- Bethel Presbyterian Church, York Co., SC; Bethel Cemetery, Vol. II
- Biographical History of Clark and Jackson Counties, Wisconsin (1891)
- Camden County North Carolina, Road Records (1860-1926)
- Carteret County North Carolina, Road Records (1774-1905); Bridge Record (1888); Ferry Record (1813)
- Caswell County N. C. Road Records 1785-1872
- Caswell County N.C. Bridge Records 1787-1872
- Caswell County North Carolina Ordinary Bonds (Tavern Records), (1777-1815)
- Catawba County North Carolina Road Records (1874-1911); Bridge Records (1869-1896)
- Chatham County N. C. Road and Bridge Records, Vol. 1, 1781-1899
- Chatham County N. C. Road and Bridge Records, Vol. 2, 1900-1921
- Cherokee County North Carolina Road Records (1874-1927); Bridge Records (1872-1920)
- Chowan County N. C. Ordinary Records (1738-1799)
- Chowan County N. C. Road Records, Volume 2 (1820-1844)
- Chowan County N. C. Road Records,Volume 3 (1845-1912
- Cleveland County North Carolina Bridge Records (1842-1891); Mill Records (1850-1896)
- Cleveland County North Carolina Road Records (1841-1867)
- Commemorative Biographical Record of the County of York Ontario, Illustrated (1907); (Canada)
- Concise History Of The Iron Manufacture Of The American Colonies Up To The Revolution: And Of Pennsylvania Until The Present Time, The (1876)
- Coppage Coppedge Chronicle II 1542-1998
- Crowns of Charlotte, (Poems)
- Cyclopaedia of Canadian Biography: Being Chiefly Men of the Time, A (1886)
- Dare County North Carolina Road Records (1879-1925)
- Days and Events 1860-1866 (18th New Hampshire Volunteers)
- Development of Law Pertaining to Desegregation of Public Schools in North Carolina, The
- Dun & Bradstreet Reference Book of American Business, The
- Effects of the Urban Heat Island on Anurans in Remnant and Stormwater Control Ponds in the Charlotte Metropolitan Region
- Eternity At The End of a Rope, Executions, Lynchings and Vigilante Justice in Texas 1819-1923
- Fourth Survey District of Tennessee 1808-1810: Anderson-Bledsoe-Campbell-Knox-Overton-Rhea-Roane Counties, TN
- Fulton County, Georgia Marriage Records 1854-1902
- Fulton County, Georgia Marriage Records 1866-1902 (“Colored” Books A-G)
- Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas (1900)
- Genealogical and Personal History of Beaver County Pennsylvania, Vol. 1
- Genealogical and Personal History of Beaver County Pennsylvania, Vol. 1I
- Groundwater Availability in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina
- Halifax County North Carolina Road Records (1808-1921)
- Henderson County North Carolina Road Records (1842-1884); Mill Records (1859-1868)
- Historical and Biographical Album of the Chippewa Valley Wisconsin (1891-1892)
- History of Barrington Township and Vicinity, Shelburne Co., Nova Scotia 1604-1870, A
- History of Buffalo and Pepin Counties Wisconsin, Vol. I
- History of Buffalo and Pepin Counties Wisconsin, Vol. II
- History of Crawford and Richland Counties, Wisconsin, Part I (1884)
- History of Crawford and Richland Counties, Wisconsin, Part II (1884)
- History of Dane County, Wisconsin
- History of Dodge County, Wisconsin
- History of Dunn County Wisconsin, Part I (1925)
- History of Dunn County Wisconsin, Part II (1925)
- History of Fond Du Lac County, Wisconsin
- History of Grant County, Wisconsin
- History of Iowa County, Wisconsin
- History of Jefferson County, Wisconsin
- History of La Crosse County, Wisconsin
- History of La Fayette County, Wisconsin
- History of Pickens County, Alabama From Its First Settlement in Eighteen Hundred and Seventeen, to Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-Six
- History of Stanstead County, Province of Quebec, With Sketches of More Than Five Hundred Families, The (1874)
- History of the County of Annapolis (Maryland, 1897)
- History of the County of Ayr: with a Genealogical Account of the Families of Ayrshire, Vol. I (Scotland)
- History of the Eleventh New Hampshire Regiment Volunteer Infantry in the Rebellion war 1861-1865, A
- History of the Fifteenth Connecticut Volunteers in the War for the Defense of the Union 1861-1865, The
- History of the Fifteenth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers 1862-1863
- History of The Fifteenth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers
- History of the First New Hampshire Regiment in the War of the Revolution (1868)
- History of the First Regiment (Massachusetts Infantry); (1866)
- History of the Sixteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers
- History of the Tenth Massachusetts Battery of Light Artillery In The War Of The Rebellion 1862-1865
- Jefferson County, Tennessee 1836 Tennessee Civil Districts and Tax Lists
- Jefferson County, Tennessee Dumplin Baptist Church Minutes 1797-1860
- Jesse Paty Line: Covering Patys of Mecklenburg Co. NC, Smith, Warren, Bedford Counties TN, The
- Latino Narratives of Educational Experience in the Greater Charlotte Area
- Lincoln County North Carolina, Road Records, Vol. 3, (1833-1869)
- Lumpkin County Georgia Cemeteries
- Madison County, Georgia Marriage Records 1812-1909
- Madison County, Tennessee Guardian Renewal Bonds 1868-1879
- Marriage Books A and C 1853-1870 Coffee County, Tennessee
- Marshall County, Tennessee Marriage Bonds, Vol. 2, 1849-1865
- Memorial of The Great Rebellion: Being A History of The Fourteenth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers 1862-1865, A
- Milton County, Georgia Marriage Records 1865-1931
- Mountain Girl (Fiction)
- N. C. State Land Grant Entry Book (1778) Orange County Volume 1 Grants #1-1000
- N. C. State Land Grant Entry Book (1779-1795) Orange County, Volume 2
- Nash County North Carolina Road Records (1768-1833)
- Nash County North Carolina, Bridge Records (1779-1834) and Mill Records (1782-1875)
- Native Plants of the Southeast
- New Hanover County North Carolina, Road, Bridge, and Ferry Records (1798-1907)
- North Carolina and the Great War 1914-1918
- On Western Trails In The Early Seventies:Frontier Pioneer Life In The Canadian North-West
- Ontaroga, Lees-McRae College, 1965
- Ontaroga, Lees-McRae College, 1966
- Orange County N. C. Bridge Records 1787-1865
- Orange County N. C. Ejectments, Vol. 1 (1787-1814)
- Orange County N. C. Ejectments, Vol. 2 (1817-1832)
- Orange County N. C. Ejectments, Vol. 3 (1833-1849)
- Orange County N. C. Ejectments, Vol. 4 (1850-1902)
- Orange County N. C. Land Records Volume 2 (1850-1899)
- Orange County N. C. Land Records, Volume 1 (1752-1849)
- Orange County N. C. Lost Deed Records (1752-1769)
- Orange County N. C. Mill Records (1782-1859)
- Orange County N. C. Road Records Vol. 1, 1786-1820
- Orange County N. C. Road Records Vol. 2, 1820-1849
- Orange County N. C. Road Records Vol. 3, 1850-1883
- Orange County N. C. Superior Court Civil Actions Concerning Land Vol. 1 (1778-1832)
- Orange County N. C. Superior Court Civil Actions Concerning Land Vol. 2 (1835-1869)
- Orange County N. C. Suspended State Land Grants (1782-1808)
- Orange County N.D. Miscellaneous Deeds (1764-1925)
- Overton County, Tennessee Deed Book A 1792-1808
- “Ours.” Annals of 10th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, in the Rebellion (1875)
- Pamlico County North Carolina Road and Bridge Records (1876-1911)
- Paty Story, The, Vol. 1, 1602-2006
- Paty Stumps & Limbs
- Pioneer Days in Kansas
- Pitt County N. C. Road Records (1858-1899) Bridge Record (1866) Mill Records (1861-1867)
- Polk County, Florida Cemeteries, Vols. I-IX
- Portrait and Biographical Album of Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties, Wisconsin (1890)
- Portrait and Biographical Record of Leavenworth Douglas and Franklin Counties…Kansas
- ‘Public Order Is Even More Important Than The Rights of Negroes’: Race and Recreation in Charlotte, NC 1927-1973
- Registers of Bruton, Co. Somerset, 1554-1680, The (England)
- Relief from Judgment in North Carolina Civil Cases, 2015
- Roane County, Tennessee Minute Book A 1801-1805
- Rosie The Riveter and the Kitchen Soldier: Fighting the Second World War From Wilmington, NC
- Stories Of Pennsylvania: Or School Readings From Pennsylvania History (1897)
- Story Of Lancaster, Old And New: Being A Narrative History Of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, From 1730 To The Centennial Year, 1918, The (1917)
- Story of One Regiment, The Eleventh Maine Infantry Volunteers In the War of the Rebellion, The
- Sullivan County, Tennessee Early Tax List 1796, 1797, 1811-1812
- Survey of Brooks County, Georgia White Cemeteries
- Tar River Blounts and a Transitional Maritime Cultural Landscape, 1778-1802 (NC)
- Tate Street, That Great Street: Culture, Community, and Memory in Greensboro, NC
- Three Years in the Army, The Story of the Thirteenth Massachusetts Volunteers
- Towns County, Georgia Cemeteries
- Translation Policies and the Role of English/Spanish Translation in Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools
- Turkey Creek Presbyterian Church (Lee Co., SC)
- Wanted! U. S. Criminal Records, Sources & Research Methodology
Circulating Collection
- Bernhardt Family 1575-1980, The
- Columbus County North Carolina Recollections and Records (NC)
- First Families of Tennessee, An Register of Early Settlers and Their Present-Day Descendants
- Heritage of Davidson County (NC), The
- History of Augusta County, Virginia
- History of Davie County (NC)
- History of Pickens County, Alabama
- Legal Aspects of Conscription and Exemption in North Carolina 1861-1865
- Marriage and Death Notices from the Western Carolinian (Salisbury, North Carolina) 1820-1842
- Spartanburg County South Carolina Will Abstracts 1787-1840
- Blue Devil, J. M. Alexander Junior High, 1961
- Cougars, Wake Forest-Rolesville Junior High, North Carolina, 1972
- Idlewild Elementary School, 2002
- Mallard Creek Elementary School, 2003
- Pine Needles, UNC-G, 1972
- Randolph Middle School, Charlotte, 1997
- Randolph Middle School, Charlotte, 1998
- Sedgefield Middle School, Charlotte, 1993
- Shocker, South Charlotte Middle School, 1999
- Signing Off, Alexander Graham Junior High School, Charlotte, 1951
- Stride, Jay M. Robinson Middle School, Charlotte, 2013
- Stride, Jay M. Robinson Middle School, Charlotte, 2014
- The Cornelian, Cornelius High School, Cornelius, NC, 1948 (photocopy)
- The White Cap, Watts School of Nursing, Durham, NC, 1983
- The White Cap, Watts School of Nursing, Durham, NC, 1984
- Viking, North Mecklenburg High School, 1962
- Viking, North Mecklenburg High School, 1963
- Viking, North Mecklenburg High School, 1964