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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Martha Francis Mullis Charles Edgar Mullis 1940
Martha Sue Correll Mullis Daniel B. R. Mullis 1951
Martin P. Mullis Pauline Amberson Mullis 1947
Mary Mullis Frank G. Mullis 1947
Mary Elizabeth Mullis Carl Leroy Mullis 1944
Mary Vance Mullis Walter T. Mullis 1937
Melvin Mullis Mary Elizabeth Mullis 1949
Muriel Honeycutt Mullis W. R. Mullis 1938
Nevelyn Pope Mullis Bonnie Harold Mullis 1947
Pauline O. Mitchell Mullis James C. Mullis 1948
Richard Mullis Ellen Mullis 1935
Ruby Deese Mullis Frank G. Mullis 1950
Sadie Mullis Clyde Mullis 1948
Virginia O. Mullis Robert B. Mullis 1955
W. Rufus Mullis Carrie Lee Mullis 1944
Harvey S. Mulwee Bessie Hicks Mulwee 1942
Jean Blake Mumbower John L. Mumbower 1939
Charles William Mumpower Alice Margaret Mumpower 1949
Georgia Conner Mundy Jethro Mundy 1947
Lily Pauline Mundy Francis Worth Mundy 1950
Marshall W. Mundy Lena Mae Haiglar Mundy 1943
Mary F. Mundy G. E. Mundy 1926
Harold Munger Anna Munger 1945
A. A., Sergeant Mungo Vivian Nina Jenkins Mungo 1944
Amos Armfield Mungo Catherine Mungo 1943
Howard W. Mungo Ruby Davis Mungo 1949
Lee Mungo Edith Mungo 1944
Lorena Mungo Flake Mungo 1936
Thomas Flake Mungo Lois Abernathy Mungo 1943
Rebecca Munlyn Pete Munlyn 1933
Virginia Munro William H. Munro 1953
Solomon Munson Evelyn Nesbit Munson 1939
Dorothea J. Murdock James A. Murdock 1948
C. A. Murphy Bertha May Murphy 1934
Edna Lee Murphy Thomas Henry Murphy 1948
Frankie E. Murphy Clarence B. Murphy 1938
Irene Estelle Arrowood Murphy Clyde Leon Murphy 1947
Lillie Murphy J. F. Murphy 1933
Lois Zenobah Murphy Algernon Graham Murphy 1947
Loyd W. Murphy Bertha J. Murphy 1946
Rita Catherine Murphy Eugene Gerard Murphy 1954
S. B. Murphy Margaret Murphy 1944
Sadie Murphy D. W. Murphy 1936
Will Murphy Lenora Boyd Murphy 1932
A. Lee Murray Walter Thomas Murray 1946
Betty Elizabeth Murray John W. Murray 1953
George W. Murray Mabel Richmond Murray 1950
George Washington Murray Izora Seabrooks Murray 1941
Lillian S. Murray Thomas Murray 1942
Cornelia R. Murtishaw Benjamin F. Murtishaw 1883
Joseph P., Jr. Muse Sula Lavaine Muse 1947
Margaret Anne Muse Kenneth Muse 1935
Dolly Moore Musson Geoffrey L. Musson 1944
Lorene Tumlin Ellison Muttick Oscar O. Muttick 1947
Ella Myers W. E. Myers 1922
George F. Myers Julia Myers 1912
Grace Taylor Myers Roswell Barton Myers 1937
J. H. Myers Maude Hyder Myers 1934
John W. Myers Jane McLaughlin Myers 1952
Lena F. Myers Alvin C. Myers 1943
Margaret Moser Myers John Evans Myers 1945
Nell Horn Myers John V. Myers 1947
Frances Eleanor Myrick Luther Winiford Myrick 1952
Grace Myrick John S. Myrick 1939
Mary Myrick Zillian Myrick 1944
Eunice A. Nabors Harry M. Nabors 1941
Thelma Fayasoux Nabors Kirk Patrick Nabors 1944
Alice Jenkins Nachlas Henry A. Nachlas 1943
Allen P. Nance Ruby Nance 1934
Cara Collins Nance A. Washington, Dr. Nance 1933
Elrock McCullough Nance Clarence Edmond Nance 1942
Lavonne Nance John Nance 1943
Maude Grizzard Nance Richard Elbert Nance 1931
James Nash Emily Nash 1912
John Ervin Nash Della Mason Nash 1953
Ollie Nash Gordon Nash 1930
Mary Elizabeth Nations Patrick Donald Nations 1948
Alma Neal Harrison Neal 1929
Alvin F. Neal Jonnie Lee Neal 1951
Buelah Ruth Neal A. P. Neal 1929
C. M. Neal Lee Oma Neal 1943
Cornella Neal Lee Neal 1931
Dorothy C. Neal Samuel G. Neal 1952
Fred J. Neal Annie Viola Neal 1944
Grier Neal Ohla Neal 1935
John Neal Mary Jane Neal 1873
Kathleen Neal Alfred Dunn Neal 1925
Lois Grier Neal Earl (aka R. T. Neal) Neal 1920
Lula Mae Neal Alonzo Neal 1946
M. T. Neal Ruth Neal 1938
Mildred Poole Neal Clifton Sample Neal 1934
Moses Neal Lula Beatrice Neal 1920
Pansy Neal Clarence Neal 1930
Virginia Wilderson Neal James L. Neal 1946
Willie Nealy Marie Nealy 1941
William Nebel (Folder #1) Bertha Nebel 1935
William Nebel (Folder #2) Bertha Nebel 1931
Alice Neely Frank Neely 1934
Annie Neely Alex Neely 1926
Beulah O. Neely Furman A. Neely 1946