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World War II Rationing Board, Colored Section

World War II Rationing Board, Colored Section. Left to right, front row: Arthur E. Grier, R. P. Wilson, Dr. Nathaniel S. Tross, Adelaide Hunt, Henry Houston. Second row: Thad L. Tate, Clarence Moreland, Jesse Bowser. Back row: Fred Alexander, Dr. Thomas Watkins, Clinton L. Blake, c. 1942. LAURA M. BOOTON.


World War II Rationing Board, Colored Section.Left to right, front row: Arthur E. Grier, R. P. Wilson, Dr. Nathaniel S. Tross, Adelaide Hunt, Henry Houston.Second row: Thad L. Tate, Clarence Moreland, Jesse Bowser.Back row: Fred Alexander, Dr. Thomas Watkins, Clinton L. Blake, c. 1942.



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Image ID: 
121.jpg (40.74 KB)

An African American Album: The Black Experience In Charlotte And Mecklenburg County. Charlotte, N.C. : Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, c1992.

Image Collection Category: 
African American
Image Collection Format: 
Black and White