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Library interior, Camp Greene

Library interior, Camp Greene

Miss Marie Fox Wait, the librarian, is seated at her desk. Before her is the base of flowers which she replaces each morning with the same enthusiasm that she greets each newcomer to the library. Three robed soldiers are on the far left. Standing near the door is Lt.Col.George Renn, commanding officer of the U. S. Army base hospital, Camp Greene. At his side is Sgt. Cameron, in charge of the post canteen, which is in the same building. Lt. Col. Renn said " A part of the fine spirit of the U. S. Army base hospital in Camp Greene is due to the presence of the library here. Renewed zeal and vigor in the work to be done in the wards and deepened loyalty have been suggested in the volumes read by the men and expressed in their daily lives." The American Library Association had just launched a campaign for $3,500,000 for war libraries, which included books and shipping funds. The majority of them were going to France.

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The Caduceus, 8/17/1918, p. 5