Thanksgiving Menu
Menu for the Medical Detachment Mess at Camp Greene on Thanksgiving Day, 1918.
Menu for the Medical Detachment Mess at Camp Greene on Thanksgiving Day, 1918.
World War I promotion certificate for Corporal Charles M. Paty.
This is the menu for the Thanksgiving Dinner in 1918 at Base Hospital # 147, Camp Greene, NC.
This is the printed cover of the menu was given to the Medical Detachment Mess staff at Camp Greene to celebrate Thanksgiving Day, 1918.
This is a sample of one of the draft registration card used during World War I.
This is the back cover of the menu for the patients at the Camp Greene Hospital on Thanksgiving Day, 1918.
Welch's Grape Juice declared their product to be the national drink and provided patriotic images.
This is the menu given to patients at Camp Greene to celebrate Thanksgiving Day, 1918. The armistice had been signed just a few days earlier.
This is the cover of the printed menu given to patients at Camp Greene to celebrate Thanksgiving Day, 1918. The armistice had been signed just a few days earlier.
This is the back cover of the menu for the Thanksgiving Dinner in 1918 at Base Hospital # 147, Camp Greene, NC.