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Different shoe styles are not the norm in 1903.  Based on this 1910 advertisement, women had some choices when it came to shoes, but not as many as we do today. The laced up boots seen here were in vogue in 1903 until the late 1900s. To fasten the buttons  a hook was designed to help accomplish this arduous, daily task.      


Winter Clothes

The lack of adequate central heat makes wearing layers of warm clothing essential. Young boys wear knickers, and girls wear thick tights to keep their legs warm. This is a 1907 photograph of the Martin BrothersJohn Wendell Martin, Thomas Marion Martin  and James Martin. They are the sons of Isaac M. and Rebecaa G. Martin.


Details, Details, Details

Hours of hand sewing go into the making of most clothing especially dresses. Each button or bit of lace or pleat is painstakingly sewn on by either a seamstress or the lady of the house.


The Clothes We Wore

Let us see how people dressed in Charlotte over one hundred years ago. Notice how much fabric went into each garment. By this time, factories made most clothing in mass production, making clothing more affordable. However, some women still sewed at home and mended any tears or holes. Hats are still made by hand by experienced milliners. Think about how fashions have changed since then.  

Fashion Statements

The Tate Family lived at 504 East 7th Street. Thaddeus Tate is the head of the household and is one of Charlotte’s leading businessmen.  The Tates could afford to wear the latest fashions. Women wore dresses with high collars and long skirts. Men wore suits and ties. Sailor suits were very popular for children during the 1900s.


Feathers, Ribbons and Bows: The Art of Making Hats

 Many, many hours went into making a hat such as the one this lady is wearing. At this time, hat makers or milliners decorated their creations with feathers, fake and real flowers, berries, leaves, and even stuffed birds.  Ladies would purchase a basic hat and the more accessories requested for the hat, the higher the price.

Belk Brothers

The Belk Brothers Department Store began in Monroe, North Carolina. On September 25, 1895, the brothers opened their biggest store up to that time on 119 East Trade Street in Charlotte, North Carolina where they established their permanent headquarters. 
