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Bryan Woolen, Jr.
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Woolen, Jr.
Date of Birth:
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was killed on his third bombing mission. His first was 7-4-1944. A requiem mass was said for him on 7-27-1944 at St. Peters Catholic Church in Charlotte. Memorial marker at Cambridge, England.
Age at Death: 22
Image Source: The Charlotte Observer 7-22-1944
Personal Details
Education Details:
Harding High School, Class of 1940
Biographical Notes:
Associated Transport, Inc. in Charlotte
Family Details:
Mary Margaret Black, formerly of Waltham, MA - 1418 W. Fourth St., Charlotte, NC
Mrs. R. E. Hoijer - 1418 West Fourth St. Charlotte, NC
Morris E. Woollen - U. S. Armed Forces in California, Mrs. Frank J. Neal - Plattsburg, NY, Mrs. W. A. Hope - 1418 West Fourth St. Charlotte, NC, William E. Woollen - U. S. Armed Forces in California
Frank J. Neal, U. S. Armed Forces, Plattsburg, NY - brother-in-law
Military Details
Military Branch:
Army Air Corps Enlisted: 3-10-1942
Military Rank:
Second Lieutenant
Military Unit:
546th Bomb Sq. 489th Bomb Group, pilot
KIA Date:
MIA Date:
KIA / MIA Place:
European Theater
Military Details:
Florida, Maxwell Field
Purple Heart: