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David Barber

First Name: 
Middle Name: 
Last Name: 
Date of Birth: 
Kings Mountain, NC

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Memorial service held at Bethleham Baptist Church, near Kings Mountain, in March, 1946

Age at Death: 21

Image Source: The Charlotte News 3-11-1946

Personal Details

Education Details: 
Bethware and Grover High Schools in Cleveland Co.
Biographical Notes: 
Bethware Baptist Church
Family Details: 

Mr. & Mrs. John Carrol (Irene Hambright) Barber - 425 N. College St., Charlotte, NC Anne Eudora Barber - 425 College St. Charlotte, NC, Elaine Barber - 425 College St. Charlotte, NC, Hermit Barber - 425 College St. Charlotte, NC, Jaspar Barber - 425 College St. Charlotte, NC, John Beatty Barber - Armed Forces Aleutian Islands, AK, Mary Sue Barber - 425 College St. Charlotte, NC, Roy Barber - Winston-Salem, NC

Military Details

Military Rank: 
Staff Sergeant
Military Unit: 
7th Army Company C, 30th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division
KIA Date: 
MIA Date: 
KIA / MIA Place: 
Military Details: 
Anzio Beach, France, Panama, 3 years,Rome, Italy
Bronze Star Medal - 6/8/1945, Croix de Guerre, Good Conduct Medal, Purple Heart, Silver Star - 6/8/1945