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Earl Griffin
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed off of the Green Islands, Solomon Islands, south Pacific Ocean.Body was later returned to the U.S. Services were held at Belmont Park Methodist Church, with interment at Elmwood Cemetery on Apr 17, 1949.
Age at Death: Unavailable
Image Source: The Charlotte Observer 9-13-1944
Personal Details
Biographical Notes:
Duke Power
Belmont Park Methodist Church
Family Details:
Mrs. Rachell Griffin - 1309 N. Pegram St., Charlotte, NC Harry J. Griffin, Petty Officer - England, Jack Griffin, Shirley Griffin
Military Details
Military Branch:
Military Rank:
Seaman, M.O. M. M. 3-c
KIA Date:
MIA Date:
KIA / MIA Place:
Green Islands, Pacific Ocean
Military Details:
Great Lakes, IL, Port Hueneme, CA, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean