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Eddie Joe Hall, Jr.

First Name: 
Eddie Joe
Middle Name: 
Last Name: 
Hall, Jr.
Date of Birth: 
Charlotte, NC

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was wounded in Vossack, Germany on 12-1-1944. He was killed in action at a Ruhr River crossing. A memorial service was held at the Disabled Veterans Convention in Chicago on Oct. 19, 1945. A memorial service was held at the Duncan Memorial Methodist Church in Nov. 1945 and at the First Baptist Church on July 15, 1946.

Age at Death: 20

Image Source: Charlotte Observer 11-2-45

Personal Details

Education Details: 
First Ward School, Charlotte
Biographical Notes: 
member, First Baptist Church, Charlotte
Family Details: 

Mrs. Hall (remarried): 106 Wyoming Ave., Buffalo, NY Mr. Hall (deceased) - Mrs. Marie B. Hall/ Mrs. S. A. Adcock - 908 N. Poplar St., Charlotte, NC 2 brothers - 3 sisters -

Military Details

Military Rank: 
Staff Sergeant
Military Unit: 
Co. B, 28th Infantry, 8th Division Third Army Infantry Division
KIA Date: 
MIA Date: 
KIA / MIA Place: 
Duren, Ruhr River, Germany
Military Details: 
European Theater
Oak Leaf cluster, Purple Heart- 1944, Silver Star

Newsprint and family information