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Fred Brewer, Jr.
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was a combat pilot of a P-51 bomber on a mission to Regenberg, Germany. A memorial services was held at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in North Carolina in December, 1945. The services were directed by the members of the Fred L. Brewer Post No. 4, local Negro post of the American Veterans of World War II.
Age at Death: Unavailable
Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
Personal Details
Education Details:
Shaw University graduate
Biographical Notes:
Family Details:
Mr. & Mrs. Fred L. (Janie R.) Brewer - 608 S. Myers St. Charlotte NC
Military Details
Military Rank:
Second Lieutenant
Military Unit:
99th Pursuit Squadron
KIA Date:
MIA Date:
KIA / MIA Place:
over oil fields in Podsti, Hungary
Air Medal - 2/9/1945: Oak Leaf Cluster - 2/9/1945: