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James Heins, Jr.

First Name: 
Middle Name: 
Last Name: 
Heins, Jr.
Date of Birth: 

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He died from wounds he received in his tank. He was leading his company when the tank was hit by an anti-tank gun. Members of his crew took him out of the tank and into a basement where other wounded were. He was injured internally and even though given first aid, he died shortly thereafter. He was buried in the U. S. Military Cemetery in Henri-Chapelle, Belgium

Age at Death: 28

Image Source: The Charlotte News 1-26-1945

Personal Details

Education Details: 
Blythewood School, SC graduate, Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC, Class of 1937
Biographical Notes: 
Merita Co., Charlotte, NC
Family Details: 

Rowena Davis Heins, later Mrs. Ward Andrews: 215 S. 5th St., Wilmington, NC Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Heins - Blythewood, SC Edith Grey Heins - Lander College, Frances Heins - Lander College, Mrs. Marion (Elizabeth) Kay - Southern Pines, NC, Robert Heins - Blythewood, SC

Military Details

Military Rank: 
Military Unit: 
2nd Armored Division Captain, 67th Armored Regiment
KIA Date: 
MIA Date: 
KIA / MIA Place: 
Military Details: 
Ft. Knox, KY, Ft. Benning, GA, Ft. Bragg, NC, Newport News, VA, Safi, French Morocco, England, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Sicily
Croix de Guerre from the French Government - with silver gilt star - 1/25/1945, Purple Heart, Silver Star - 2 clusters - 10/15/1944

Newsprint and family information