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Joseph Joe James
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: While parachuting into Germany he was hit by flak and killed after his first combat jump. Buried in the American military cemetery in Margraten, Holland. Memorial service at West Avenue Presbyterian Church on Apr 29, 1945.
Age at Death: 21
Image Source: CO 1-14-45
Personal Details
Education Details:
Harding High School, Charlotte, graduate, 1942
Biographical Notes:
member, West Avenue Presbyterian Church
Family Details:
Mr. and Mrs. William Robert (Daisy Ann) James - 1404 Enderly Rd. and other addresses Charlotte, NC
Mrs. Sam (Dorothy J.) Cook, Jr. - 1404 Enderly Rd. (also of Charleston, SC) Charlotte, NC
Mr. and Mrs. Graydon T. James of Charlotte - uncle and aunt
Military Details
Military Branch:
Army Enlisted: 4-3-43?
Military Rank:
Military Unit:
17th Airborne Division, 513th Parachute Infantry, Co. C Technician 5th grade Infantry
KIA Date:
MIA Date:
KIA / MIA Place:
north of Ruhr, Germany
Military Details:
Camp Blanding, FL, Fort Benning, GA, Camp Rucker, AL, Joseph Robinson, AR, Camp Shanks, NY, England, France, Germany, Battle of the Rhine
Citation of Honor, Purple Heart, Wings
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