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Lloyd Whitley
First Name:
Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Detroit, MI
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: His plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire off the coast of Italy during a bombing mission. A memorial service was held on 12-30-1945 at the Emmanuel Baptist Church. Memorial marker at Florence, Italy.
Age at Death: 20
Image Source: The Charlotte Observer 5-20-1945
Personal Details
Education Details:
Oakhurst High School, Class of 1942
Biographical Notes:
Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Family Details:
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. (Ethel) Whitley - Rt. 7, Box 535, Statesville Rd. Charlotte, NC
Charles W. Whitley, Sergeant of Charlotte - formerly a Japanese POW for 1 year, Mrs. J. B. Baker - Charlotte, NC, Mrs. Kye (Frances) Harris - Charlotte, NC
Military Details
Military Branch:
Army Air Corps Enlisted: 12-1942
Military Rank:
Staff Sergeant
Military Unit:
15th Air Force 722nd Bomb Squadron, 450 Bomb group
KIA Date:
MIA Date:
KIA / MIA Place:
near Stephano, Italy
Military Details:
Alamogordo, NM, Kessler Field, MS, Lowry Field, Denver, CO, Mediterranean
Air Medal - 4 Oak Leaf Clusters, Air Medal with 1 Silver Oak Leaf Cluster, Citation of Honor, Purple Heart
Newsprint and family information