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Paul Caldwell
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Pfc. Caldwell died when his troop transport was sunk in the Atlantic by the enemy. Edward Percy Norton, Jr. and Landen Bruner, men from Mecklenburg Co., were also killed. A joint memorial service was held on June 4, 1944, at Morris Field for Caldwell and Bruner. Another memorial service was held for Caldwell at the Thomasboro Presbyterian Church on 5-9-1946. Memorial marker in North Africa.
Age at Death: Unavailable
Image Source: The Charlotte Observer 12-30-1943
Personal Details
Biographical Notes:
Big Boy Bottling Co.
Family Details:
Dollie H. Caldwell: 121 Welling Ave., Charlotte, NC Mr. & Mrs. James Lee Caldwell - (both deceased) Hugh A. Caldwell - Charlotte, NC, Mrs. Carl (Nannie Lee) Porter - Charlotte, NC, Mrs. Van John - Sharon, NC
Military Details
Military Rank:
Private First Class
Military Unit:
858th Engineers Battalion Aviation
KIA Date:
MIA Date:
KIA / MIA Place:
Atlantic Ocean off North Africa
Military Details:
Brookley Field, AL, Dyersburg, TN, Jefferson Barracks, MO, Mobile, AL
Purple Heart
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