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Thomas Clark
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He died of wounds that he received in action in the Pacific.
Age at Death: Unavailable
Image Source: The Charlotte Observer 12-5-1944
Personal Details
Biographical Notes:
Barbecue Lodge on Wilkinson Blvd., Charlotte
Family Details:
Mrs. Ella Clark - Wilmington, NC D. A. Clark - Wilmington, NC, Mrs. J. J. Douglas - Hamlet, NC, Mrs. J. W. Pementer - Wilmington, NC, Mrs. Marguerita Morgan - Charlotte, NC, Mrs. Paul Grier - Rt. 1 Pineville, NC, Mrs. R. L. Wilson - Jonesboro, NC, W. P. Clark - Norfolk, VA Harry B. Morgan, Tech. 4th Grade, killed on 11-16-1944 - nephew
Military Details
Military Branch:
KIA Date:
MIA Date:
KIA / MIA Place:
Pacific Theater