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William Isbell
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He had been overseas 17 months at the time of his death, according to a newspaper article on 3-1-1944. There was no date of death given. A memorial service was held at Warlick's Baptist Church near Icard on March 12, 1944.
Age at Death: Unavailable
Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
Personal Details
Education Details:
Newton-Conover High School, Class of 1939
Biographical Notes:
Family Details:
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Isbell - Rt. 9, Charlotte, NC
2 brothers, one at home and one in the Navy, 4 sisters
Military Details
Military Branch:
Marines Enlisted: 3-1941
Military Rank:
KIA Date:
MIA Date:
KIA / MIA Place:
South Pacific