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History Timeline

1996 - Panthers Prowl

September 2, 1996  - A dream has come true for Carolina sports fans. The Panthers play their first regular season game at the Charlotte's brand new Ericsson Stadium. Thousands cheer as the Panthers beat the Atlanta Falcons, 29-6.

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1978 - The Sixth Mecklenburg County Courthouse

During the 1970's and 1980's, the area bordered by Third Street and East Trade Street became a center for government and court buildings . . . The Sixth Mecklenburg County Courthouse opened at 800 East Fourth Street, the first county courthouse to be located off of either Trade or Tryon Streets. - from Courthouses of Mecklenburg County, 1766-2007 (Mecklenburg County, 2007)

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1987 - Myrick defeats Gantt

November 4, 1987  - Democratic Mayor Harvey Gantt is defeated by Republican opponent Sue Myrick. He will run for the U.S. Senate in 1990 and 1996, but will be unable to beat the incumbent Senator, Jesse Helms. Mayor Gantt defeated by Sue Myrick

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1992 - Charlotte's Employers

In 1992, there were 11 employers in Mecklenburg County that had each hired 2,500 to 10,000 employees. They were: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, Duke Power, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital Authority, City of Charlotte, First Union, Mecklenburg County, NationsBank, Presbyterian Health Services, U.S. Government, and Southern Bell. By providing jobs, these companies and agencies help keep the local economy strong.

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1969 - Mayor Belk

May 19, 1969  - Mayor John M. Belk takes office today, succeeding four-term mayor Stan Brookshire. Belk will continue many of Brookshire's programs, especially those that re-develop run-down sections of town. Both Belk and Brookshire will have highways named for them.

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1988 - Bearden Dies

March 12, 1988  - Famed artist Romare Bearden dies in New York City. Recently, the public library commissioned Bearden for an original collage from which a mosaic will be based. Nanette Bearden, the artist’s widow, selects one of his murals, Before Dawn and the project proceeds as planned. Before Dawn

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1996 - Billy Graham

September 26, 1996  - Through the years, Rev. Billy Graham has returned to Charlotte many times to spread the Gospel. He draws 300,000 people to the new Ericsson stadium in the 4-day crusade that many worshipers fear may be Graham's last. Although his hands shake from Parkinson's disease, his voice and message are strong. Billy Graham

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1989 - Third Library on Tryon St.

June 18, 1989 - After almost two years of renovations, the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County reopens its doors to new and expanded building. The state-of-the-art facility features expanded services and a larger staff.. As part of the city’s public art programs, a mosaic based on a collage of the late Romare Bearden, hangs in the new library. In the years to come, the library will receive numerous awards, including Library of the Year in 1996. Before DawnNew Main Library

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1988 - Observer Wins Pulitzer

March 31, 1988 - The Charlotte Observer wins journalism's highest honor, the Pulitzer Prize. Reporters have written over 600 stories about Reverend Jim Bakker and the scandal surrounding his ministry, PTL. The newspaper's investigation has led to Bakker's conviction for cheating people who donated money, called fraud. This is the newspaper's second Pulitzer Prize. The first was in 1981, for stories about a disease called Brown Lung.

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1992 - Charlotte is a Hub

Six major airlines now serve Charlotte-Mecklenburg with flights to 146 cities. Half of the entire U.S. population can be reached within a one-hour plane ride from the area. Businesses have more opportunities than ever before to reach customers with goods and services.

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