Marriage: Mr. C. M. Hawkins and Miss Janett Hogg
Location: Raleigh, Wake County,NC
Family Information: Dr. T. Hogg
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 8/25/1882
Marriage: Mr. George C. Hawkins and Mrs. M. A. Shepherd
Location: Charlotte, Mecklenburg County,NC
Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.
Source: Charlotte Democrat -
Marriage: Mr. James Hawkins and Miss Tiney L. Harmon
Location: (near) Ladonia, Fanin County, Texas
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 4/1/1878
Marriage: Mr. John Hawkins and Miss Ida Jordan
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 6/7/1894
Marriage: Mr. W. T. Hawkins and Miss Ellen Blanton
Location: n.p.
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 8/17/1883
Marriage: Mr. W. T. Hawkins and Miss Ellen B. Canton
Marriage: Mr. M. Augustus Hawn and Miss Susan Corpening
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 12/27/1875
Marriage: Mr. C. E. Hawthorne and Miss Estelle Houston
Location: Mooresville, Iredell County,NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 12/21/1888
Marriage: Mr. T. T. Hay and Miss Belle C. Gales
Married in the Episcopal Church.
Family Information: Esquire Seaton Gales
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 11/10/1878
Marriage: Mr. Walter Hay and Miss Nannie Burwell
Family Information: Professor John B. Burwell
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 12/23/1887