Marriage: Mr. John C. Alexander and Miss Watson Glass
Location: Morganton, Burke County,NC
Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 11/12/1891
Marriage: Mr. John H. Alexander and Miss Mamie C. Wilson
Location: Mecklenburg County,NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 4/27/1888
Marriage: Mr. Julius Alexander and Miss Mary A. Morris
Location: Dallas ?
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 10/1/1876
Marriage: Miss Lila Alexander and Mr. James Goodrum
Married in Gilead Church.
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 12/1/1883
Marriage: Mr. M. A. Alexander and Miss M. N. Bradley
Location: Iredell County,NC
Married by Rev. G.W. Hamelton.
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/24/1874
Marriage: Mr. M. B. Alexander and Miss Carrie Phillips
Location: Charlotte, Mecklenburg County,NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/3/1894
Marriage: Esquire M. W. Alexander and Miss Maggie Parks
Location: Cabarrus County,NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 6/11/1885
Marriage: Mr. Monroe B. Alexander and Miss Salllie Duckworth
Location: Gilead Church, Mecklenburg County,NC
Marriage: Mr. Philander Alexander and Miss Martha Jane Goodman
Location: Mt. Ulla, Rowan CountymNC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 7/1/1873
Marriage: Mr. R. C. Alexander and Miss M. E. Black
Location: Mecklenburg County,N.C.
Family Information: Mr. Ezekiel Black
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/14/1876