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Marriage Notices

Walkup, Henry C. Dr. and Ivy, Nannie Miss

Marriage: Dr. Henry C. Walkup and Miss Nannie Ivy

Location: Lancaster, S.C.

Marriage performed by Rev. R.E. Johnston

Family Information: Reverend Adam Ivy

Source: Source Not Cited - 2/3/1869

Date of Event:

Torrence, W. H. Mr. and Allison, Maggie Miss

Marriage: Mr. W. H. Torrence and Miss Maggie Allison

Location: Statesville, Iredell County,NC

Family Information: Dr. John Allison

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/25/1887

Date of Event:

Vandike, L. S. Mr. and Bealty, Nancy C. Miss

Marriage: Mr. L. S. Vandike and Miss Nancy C. Bealty

Location: Lincoln County,N.C.

Married by Rev. J.C. Hoyle.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 8/2/1884

Date of Event:

Wallace, John Mr. and Auten, Nora Miss

Marriage: Mr. John Wallace and Miss Nora Auten

Location: n.p.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/6/1897

Date of Event:

Townsend, William G. and Baine, Sarah

Marriage: William G. Townsend and Sarah Baine

Location: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Miners and Farmers Journal - 9/11/1833

Date of Event:

Vanpelt, J. W. Mr. and Auten, Annabella Miss

Marriage: Mr. J. W. Vanpelt and Miss Annabella Auten

Location: Mecklenburg County,NC

Married by Thoomas Gluyas,Esq.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 6/1/1882

Date of Event:

Wallace, John Brown Mr. and Hamilton, Martha Jane Miss

Marriage: Mr. John Brown Wallace and Miss Martha Jane Hamilton

Location: Mecklenburg County,NC

Married by Rev. Walter W. Pharr

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 10/3/1874

Date of Event:

Trapier, Edward S. Mr. and Haywood, Gertrude Miss

Marriage: Mr. Edward S. Trapier and Miss Gertrude Haywood

Location: Yemassee, Beaufort County, SC

`Youngest daughter of the late Hon.Wm. H. Haywood of Raleigh.`

Family Information: Hon. William H. Haywood

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 10/12/1880

Date of Event:

Vanstory, John W. Mr. and Allison, Susan C. Miss

Marriage: Mr. John W. Vanstory and Miss Susan C. Allison

Location: Iredell County,NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 8/15/1879

Date of Event:

Walters, Alexander Reverend and Coleman, Lelia Miss

Marriage: Reverend Alexander Walters and Miss Lelia Coleman

Location: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Marriage of Bishop Alexander Walters to Miss Lelia Coleman Brown in Louisville, KY, p. 5

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: The Star of Zion - 9/7/1903

Date of Event: