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Marriage Notices

Bingham, J. C. Mr. and Boyle, Lula P. Miss

Marriage: Mr. J. C. Bingham and Miss Lula P. Boyle

Location: Lodo,Mecklenburg County,N.C.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 8/2/1895

Date of Event:

Black, Charles J. Mr. and Black, Annie Miss

Marriage: Mr. Charles J. Black and Miss Annie Black

Location: Mint Hill Township, Mecklenburg County,N.C.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 1/18/1881

Date of Event:

Biggers, A. W. Mr. and Pyron, Cora J. Miss

Marriage: Mr. A. W. Biggers and Miss Cora J. Pyron

Location: Union County,N.C.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 1/12/1893

Date of Event:

Bingham, Robert Major and Woodward, Victoria Miss

Marriage: Major Robert Bingham and Miss Victoria Woodward

Location: Spartanburg, Spartanburg,S.C.

Family Information: Reverend B. F. Woodward

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 6/24/1887

Date of Event:

Black, Charles J. Mr. and Black, Annie Miss

Marriage: Mr. Charles J. Black and Miss Annie Black

Location: Mint Hill Township, Mecklenburg County,N.C.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 1/18/1895

Date of Event:

Biggers, E. R. Mr. and Bost, Jane Miss

Marriage: Mr. E. R. Biggers and Miss Jane Bost

Location: Cabarrus County,N.C.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/31/1875

Date of Event:

Bingham, W. S. Mr. and Foil, Lizzie G. Miss

Marriage: Mr. W. S. Bingham and Miss Lizzie G. Foil

Location: Concord, Cabarrus County,N.C.

Married by Rev. W.R. Wetmore of Lincolnton, Lincoln County,N.C.

Family Information: Esquire Alex Foil

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 6/26/1885

Date of Event:

Black, E. C. Mr. and Robinson, Nora Miss

Marriage: Mr. E. C. Black and Miss Nora Robinson

Location: Pioneer Mills, Cabarrus County,N.C.

Married by Rev. M. H. Hoyle.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 1/31/1879

Date of Event:

Biggers, Wallace A. Mr. and Orr, Amanda E. Miss

Marriage: Mr. Wallace A. Biggers and Miss Amanda E. Orr

Location: Providence Township, Mecklenburg County,N.C.

Married by A. G. Reid, Esq.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/3/1877

Date of Event:

Bird, William Mr. and Kincaid, Mary Miss

Marriage: Mr. William Bird and Miss Mary Kincaid

Location: Burke County,N.C.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 1/3/1875

Date of Event: