Marriage: Mr. B. F. Ashcraft and Miss Annie Bickett
Location: Monroe, Union County,N.C.
Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/17/1889
Marriage: Mr. Francis Athey and Miss Mary Jane Rainey
Location: Rowan County, NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/4/1875
Marriage: Mr. John F. Arrowwood and Miss Z. Jane Clark
Location: Gaston County,NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 11/4/1879
Location: Monroe, Union County,NC
Marriage: Mr. John S. Atkins and Miss Bina Harriss
Location: Anson Counry,NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/29/1876
Marriage: Mr. Thomas J. Armstrong, Jr. and Miss Ella P. Berry
Location: Wilmington, New Hanover County,NC
Family Information: Esquire E. W. Berry
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/18/1873
Marriage: Mr. W. D. Arthur and Miss Norah Wilson
Location: Lodo, Mecklenburg County,NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 10/18/1899
Marriage: Mr. Frank Ashcraft and Miss Amanda Medlin
Location: Union County, NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 10/26/1877
Marriage: Mr. Joseph Atkins and Miss C. Gibbon Mary
Location: Forsyth County,NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 6/16/1876
Marriage: Mr. R. L. Armstrong and Miss S. S. Howard
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 12/8/1892