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Marriage Notices

Andrew, Phil H. Mr. and Fowle, Maggie P. Miss

Marriage: Mr. Phil H. Andrew and Miss Maggie P. Fowle

Location: Raleigh, Wake Counry, NC

Family Information: Judge Fowle

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 7/22/1881

Date of Event:

Apple, John Mr. and Duncan, Martha Miss

Marriage: Mr. John Apple and Miss Martha Duncan

Location: Guilford County, NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Source Not Cited - 3/29/1859

Date of Event:

Armfield, R. F. Mr. and Gray, Alice Miss

Marriage: Mr. R. F. Armfield and Miss Alice Gray

Location: Statesville, Iredell County,NCq

Family Information: Mr. John W. Gray

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 8/10/1886

Date of Event:

Allen, Alfred Mr. and Charron, Lorina Miss

Marriage: Mr. Alfred Allen and Miss Lorina Charron

Location: Charlotte, Mecklenburg County,NC

Married by Mr. F.A. McNinch.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 4/1/1878

Date of Event:

Allen, W. A. Mr. and Overcash, Minnie Miss

Marriage: Mr. W. A. Allen and Miss Minnie Overcash

Location: Derita, Mecklenburg County,NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 6/1/1893

Date of Event:

Alsobrook, W. M. Mr. and Crockett, S. E. Miss

Marriage: Mr. W. M. Alsobrook and Miss S. E. Crockett

Location: Lancaster County,S.C.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 1/24/1871

Date of Event:

Allen, Andrew J. Mr. and Allen, Susan Miss

Marriage: Mr. Andrew J. Allen and Miss Susan Allen

Location: n.p.

Groom is listed as a telegraph operator at Lilesville, Anson County,NC.

Family Information: Mr. R. P. Allen

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 6/20/1879

Date of Event:

Allen, William S. Major and Courts, Mattie E Miss

Marriage: Major William S. Allen and Miss Mattie E Courts

Location: Reidsville, Rockingham County,NC

Family Information: Dr. W, J. Courts

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 6/8/1886

Date of Event:

Alspaugh, J. W. Colonel and Tucker, Celeste Miss

Marriage: Colonel J. W. Alspaugh and Miss Celeste Tucker

Location: n.p.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 3/9/1872

Date of Event:

Alexander, W. M. Mr. and Stinson, Bettie Miss

Marriage: Mr. W. M. Alexander and Miss Bettie Stinson

Location: Charlotte, Mecklenburg County,NC

Married by the Rev. John Hunter.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 8/10/1878

Date of Event: