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Marriage Notices

Sharp, D. C. Mr. and Boatright, N. H. Miss

Marriage: Mr. D. C. Sharp and Miss N. H. Boatright

Location: n.p.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 8/26/1873

Date of Event:

Ruffin, S. R. Colonel and Haywood, Annie Miss

Marriage: Colonel S. R. Ruffin and Miss Annie Haywood

Location: Raleigh, Wake County,NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 11/29/1875

Date of Event:

Schenk, Henry Mr. and Abernathy, Lucinda Mrs.

Marriage: Mr. Henry Schenk and Mrs. Lucinda Abernathy

Location: Cleveland County, NC

Married by Rev. J.D. Carpenter at the residence of M.Warlick, Esq.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/10/1877

Date of Event:

Sheilds, Lemuel Mr. and ALexander, Julia Miss

Marriage: Mr. Lemuel Sheilds and Miss Julia ALexander

Location: Mecklenburg County,NC

Married by Rev. R.A. Miller

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 11/15/1889

Date of Event:

Russell, A. C. Mr. and Black, Mollie Miss

Marriage: Mr. A. C. Russell and Miss Mollie Black

Location: Mecklenburg County,N.C.

Married by Rev. W. A. McDonald.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/27/1880

Date of Event:

Schenk, Henry Mr. and Abernathy, Lucinda Mrs.

Marriage: Mr. Henry Schenk and Mrs. Lucinda Abernathy

Location: n.p.

Married at the home of M. Warlick,Esq.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/10/1877

Date of Event:

Shell, Charles Mr. and Harty, Nora Miss

Marriage: Mr. Charles Shell and Miss Nora Harty

Location: Georgetown, Texas

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 1/24/1879

Date of Event:

Russell, M. I. Mr. and Beaver, Maggie J. Miss

Marriage: Mr. M. I. Russell and Miss Maggie J. Beaver

Location: n.p.

Married at the residence of Mr. William Beaver by Rev. Willliam McDonald.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 3/19/1872

Date of Event:

Schiff, Louis Mr. and Rosenthal, Carrie Miss

Marriage: Mr. Louis Schiff and Miss Carrie Rosenthal

Location: Wilmington, New Hanover County,NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Source Not Cited - 3/24/1893

Date of Event:

Shell, Henry and Byrum, Mary Ann

Marriage: Henry Shell and Mary Ann Byrum

Location: Mecklenburg, NC

Married at her father's near this town.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Miners and Farmers Journal - 1/11/1834

Date of Event: