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Marriage Notices

Noles, C. A. Mr. and Auten, Susan E. Miss

Marriage: Mr. C. A. Noles and Miss Susan E. Auten

Location: n.p.

Married by Rev. W. Walter Pharr.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 11/25/1873

Date of Event:

Morrison, William Mr. and Bell, Maggie J. Miss

Marriage: Mr. William Morrison and Miss Maggie J. Bell

Location: Statesville, Iredell County,N.C.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/16/1894

Date of Event:

Neely, N. H. Mr. and Cowan, Margaret C. Mrs.

Marriage: Mr. N. H. Neely and Mrs. Margaret C. Cowan

Location: Salisbury, Rowan County,NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Source Not Cited - 10/5/1864

Date of Event:

Noles, James T. Mr. and Biggers, Henrietta I. Miss

Marriage: Mr. James T. Noles and Miss Henrietta I. Biggers

Location: Providence Township, Mecklenburg County,N.C.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/6/1876

Date of Event:

Moore, Roger Colonel and Atkins, Eugenia Beery Mrs.

Marriage: Colonel Roger Moore and Mrs. Eugenia Beery Atkins

Location: Wilmington,New Hanover County,NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 9/5/1881

Date of Event:

Moses, Alexander Mr. and Baker, Almina Miss

Marriage: Mr. Alexander Moses and Miss Almina Baker

Location: York County,S.C.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 10/18/1878

Date of Event:

Neil, T. C. Dr. and Alexander, Hettie J. Miss

Marriage: Dr. T. C. Neil and Miss Hettie J. Alexander

Location: Davidson College, Davidson Township, Mecklenburg County,NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 8/2/1884

Date of Event:

Norment, James M. and Hollingsworth, Elizabeth Jane

Marriage: James M. Norment and Elizabeth Jane Hollingsworth

Location: La Grange, Alabama

First published in the Tuscaloosa Expositor. She was the youngest daughter, and her father was formerly of Robeson County, NC.

Family Information: Henry Hollingsworth

Source: Miners and Farmers Journal - 7/12/1833

Date of Event:

Moore, T.P. R. Reverend and Hartman, Sally U. Miss

Marriage: Reverend T.P. R. Moore and Miss Sally U. Hartman

Location: Union,SC.

`Union Court House,SC notes -- Rev. T.P.R. Moore married. The rites of matrimony were celebrated..She was among the most prominent teachers of the graded school in the city of Spartanburg,SC.`

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: The Star of Zion - 3/19/1886

Date of Event:

Mosteller, Richard Mr. and Emma, Williams Miss

Marriage: Mr. Richard Mosteller and Miss Williams Emma

Location: (near) Tiddy's Paper Mills, Lincoln County,NC

Marriage performed by J.D. Plonk, Esq.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Source Not Cited - 6/4/1888

Date of Event: