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Marriage Notices

Lewis, J. R. Mr. and Laura, A. Miss

Marriage: Mr. J. R. Lewis and Miss A. Laura

Location: Gaston County,N.C.

Married by Rev. J.R. Preston.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 8/20/2018

Date of Event:

Lloyd, A. V. Mr. and Love, Fanny Cormelia Miss

Marriage: Mr. A. V. Lloyd and Miss Fanny Cormelia Love

Location: Statesville, Iredell County, NC

Married by Rev. B.R. Hall.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Home Democrat - 10/31/1881

Date of Event:

Ledbetter, William Mr. and Hawkins, M. H. Miss

Marriage: Mr. William Ledbetter and Miss M. H. Hawkins

Location: Cleveland County,NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 10/14/1881

Date of Event:

Lewis, Lum Mr. and Simmons, Georgina Miss

Marriage: Mr. Lum Lewis and Miss Georgina Simmons

Location: Charlotte, NC

`(married) at the home of Mr. Thomas Simmons Rev. J.B. Lee officiating.`p.5

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: The Star of Zion - 3/30/1899

Date of Event:

Lockhart, James A. Esquire and Ashe, Caroline Burgwyn Miss

Marriage: Esquire James A. Lockhart and Miss Caroline Burgwyn Ashe

Location: Wadesboro, Anson County,NC

Caroline Ashe listed as `The youngest daughter of the Hon. Thomas S. Ashe.`

Family Information: Hon. Thomas S. Ashe

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/15/1878

Date of Event:

Lee, John A. Major and Anderson, Lizzie Miss

Marriage: Major John A. Lee and Miss Lizzie Anderson

Location: Davidson College, Davidson, Mecklenburg County,NC

Married by Rev. (Professor) Anderson.

Family Information: Professor Anderson

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/24/1874

Date of Event:

Lewis, Lum Mr. and Simmons, Georgina Miss

Marriage: Mr. Lum Lewis and Miss Georgina Simmons

Location: Charlotte,NC

Mr. Lum Lewis and Miss Georgina Simmons were married on the 27th instant at Mr. Thomas Simmons' (house) in this city, Reverend J.B. Lee officiating, p.5

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: The Star of Zion - 3/30/1899

Date of Event:

Lockwood, Harry Mr. and Hall, May R. Miss

Marriage: Mr. Harry Lockwood and Miss May R. Hall

Location: Charlotte, Mecklenburg County,NC

Family Information: Mr. John R. Hall

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/16/1890

Date of Event:

Lee, Jr., John H. and Cathey, Frances F.

Marriage: John H. Lee, Jr. and Frances F. Cathey

Location: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: North Carolina Whig - 5/1/1858

Date of Event:

Lewis, R. M. Mr. and Hedrick, Susan H. Miss

Marriage: Mr. R. M. Lewis and Miss Susan H. Hedrick

Location: Iredell County,NC

Married by Rev. W.M. Hunter.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 12/18/1885

Date of Event: