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Marriage Notices

Havener, W. D. Mr. and Hovis, Sarah Jane Miss

Marriage: Mr. W. D. Havener and Miss Sarah Jane Hovis

Location: n.p.

Married by J. Kiser,Esq.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 4/20/1883

Date of Event:

Hayes, C. E. Mr. and Bivens, Annie L. Miss

Marriage: Mr. C. E. Hayes and Miss Annie L. Bivens

Location: Charlotte, Mecklenburg County,N.C.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 6/22/1894

Date of Event:

Haynes, Perry L. Mr. and Alexander, Nellie Miss

Marriage: Mr. Perry L. Haynes and Miss Nellie Alexander

Location: Lincolnton, Lincoln County,NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 7/15/1892

Date of Event:

Harget, J. W. Mr. and Harget, Sallie Miss

Marriage: Mr. J. W. Harget and Miss Sallie Harget

Location: Mecklenburg County,NC

Married by A.G. Reid, Esq.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 4/13/1877

Date of Event:

Harris, John R. Mr. and Ashe, Nelllie M. Miss

Marriage: Mr. John R. Harris and Miss Nelllie M. Ashe

Location: Wadesboro, Anson County,NC

Family Information: Dr. E. F. Ashe

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 6/25/1886

Date of Event:

Hart, Samuel B. Mr. and Flowe, Mattie Miss

Marriage: Mr. Samuel B. Hart and Miss Mattie Flowe

Location: Monroe, Union County,NC

Family Information: Mr. G. W. Flow

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 7/19/1889

Date of Event:

Harget, Osborne Mr. and Robinson, Elizabeth P. Miss

Marriage: Mr. Osborne Harget and Miss Elizabeth P. Robinson

Location: Union County, NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 10/1/1879

Date of Event:

Harris, Joseph S. Mr. and Julia, E. Snider Miss

Marriage: Mr. Joseph S. Harris and Miss E. Snider Julia

Location: Charlotte,Mecklenburg County,NC

Family Information: Mr. , Mr. , Mr. , Mr. Frank Snider

Source: Source Not Cited - 11/30/1883

Date of Event:

Hart, Will T. Mr. and Campbell, Mattie Miss

Marriage: Mr. Will T. Hart and Miss Mattie Campbell

Location: Charlotte, Mecklenburg County,NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 10/18/1895

Date of Event:

Hargett, James L. M. Mr. and Jennings, Mary I. Miss

Marriage: Mr. James L. M. Hargett and Miss Mary I. Jennings

Location: Sharon Twp.

Married by J.M. Kirkpatrick,Esq.

Family Information: Mr. John Jennings

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/25/1877

Date of Event: