Marriage: Professor George B. Hanna and Miss Nola Alexander
Location: Arkansas
Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 1/17/1896
Marriage: Mr. W. Saunders Hamilton and Miss N. C. Bivens
Location: (near) Monroe,Union County,NC
Family Information: Esquire Henry Bivens
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/17/1878
Marriage: Mr. Rufus Hampton and Miss Kate O. Phelan
Location: Louisville,KY
Kate Phelan was the daughter of the late Sen. Phelan of Mississippi.
Family Information: Hon. Phelan
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 8/22/1979
Marriage: Professor George B. Hanna and Miss Nina C. Trotter
Location: Charlotte, Mecklenburg County,NC
Married by Rev. A.W. Miller.
Family Information: Mr. Thomas Trotter
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 12/25/1879
Marriage: Mr. W. Saunders Hamilton and Miss Nancy C. Bivens
Location: (near) Monroe, Union County,N.C.
Marriage: Mr. Wade, Jr. Hampton and Miss Kate O. Phelan
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 8/22/1879
Marriage: Mr. John N. Hanna and Miss Maggie W. Craig
Location: Gaston County,NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 7/3/1890
Marriage: Mr. William A. Hamilton and Miss Lou Bivens
Location: Union County,NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 9/27/1875
Marriage: Mr. Caswell Hamric and Mrs. P. M. McBrayer
Location: York County,SC
Married by W.D.Camp, Esq.
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 3/10/1884
Marriage: Mr. John V. Hanna and Miss Carrie McKee
Location: Clover, York County,SC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 8/30/1895