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Other Notices

Marshal Polk

Sale of slaves at the residence of Susan Smartt. See 12-28-1831 for sale of slaves.

May include the sale of land, goods or slaves owned by the deceased, notice to heirs, or notice to creditors.

Probate and estate

John McCauley

Order for McAlpin Creek Troops (Cavalry) to gather for drill.

Troops are ordered to assemble, armed and equiped, for practice.


Falbie Moore

Information wanted of (sic) Falbie Marie Moore. She lived in Atlanta, GA, in 1865. If any reader of the Star will let me hear of my sister it will oblige her brother.

Notices not included in the other notice catagories.


James Osborne

Announces permanent settlement in Charlotte and practicing of Law.

Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business.


Zachariah McCauley

Horse strayed from him at Superior Court on Tuesday. Also, on March 31st, 5 head of cattle strayed. Deliver to me or Roderick McCauley, living on McAlpin`s Creek near the Potter Rd.

May include sale of personal goods, or notice of lost or stolen items.

Personal Property

James Moore

Sale of personal property and one likely negro boy

May include sale of personal goods, or notice of lost or stolen items.

Personal Property


`Mrs Page, the widow of the Rev. J.F. Page, 2629 Lucas Ave., St. Louis, MO, has books for sale.` p.4

Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business.


Robert McComb

He and S. B. McComb wish to buy 30 of more negroes of both sexes, age 12 to 20.

Notice of the sale of slaves or of runaway slaves. Check estate sales first, as this is where most slave sales are listed.


C. Morrison

New medicine store open opposite of Boyd`s Hotel.

Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business.


William Parham

Has removed from Mr. L. Dinkins` to the house of widow Elizabeth Smith, 5 miles from Charlotte on the Old Nations Ford Rd., where he will attend to any calls that may be made in his line. See also 4-17-1832, when he moved to Lewis Dinkins 8 miles south of Charlotte.

Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business.
