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Revolutionary War 1776-1781

1778 - War in the South

December 29, 1778 - After three years of fighting, the British still cannot defeat the Americans in the northern states. They have pushed south to attack, and capture Savannah, Georgia. Soldiers battle their way through South Carolina and will soon make their way to North Carolina.

Date of Event:

1780 - Cornwallis in Charlotte

September 26, 1780 British commander Lord Charles Cornwallis and his Legion march into Charlotte expecting to be greeted by loyal followers of the Crown. Instead, he is met by Major William Davie and a band of 150 soldiers who are hiding around the courthouse on East Trade Street. Although the “Battle at Mecklenburg Courthouse” ends quickly as the rebels disperse, it sets the stage for Cornwallis’ short and disappointing stay in Mecklenburg County.(Pancake, John S. This Destructive War: The British Campaign in the Carolinas, 1780-1782, p.116.)

Date of Event:

1777-78 - Hardships of War

December 19, 1777 - Twelve thousand troops under the command of George Washington begin a brutal winter encampment at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Mecklenburg's William Lee Davidson is one of the soldiers who helps protect the American Congress, in session nearby, from British attack. But there is a terrible price to pay. Lacking food, shelter and clothing during the harsh winter, many soldiers will freeze or die of starvation.

Date of Event:

1776 - Building an Army

May 10, 1776 - The Second Continental Congress sends orders to all 13 colonies, instructing them to form their own local governments and fight off any attempts at control by the British.

Date of Event:

1776 - Declaration: Freedom

July 4, 1776 - The Declaration of Independence is adopted by the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia. It proclaims freedom forever from British rule for all 13 colonies, including North Carolina. But the colonists' struggles are just beginning. Freedom will come at a terrible price as bloody battles will be fought throughout the new United States of America. North Carolina will pay, too, with the lives of its citizens. It will be more than five long years before the fighting ceases.

Date of Event:

1776 - Establishing Order

December 18, 1776 - Now that the 13 American colonies have as a nation declared their independence from Britain, each individual state must decide what kind of laws it will have. As the fight for freedom continues throughout the colonies, today North Carolina adopts its first set of state laws, called its Constitution.

Date of Event:

1776 - The Break

July 2, 1776 - More than a year after citizens of Mecklenburg declare their freedom from British tyranny, the Second Continental Congress approves a resolution that will unite the colonies in their battle for liberty.

Date of Event:

1780 - Battle of McIntyre's Farm

October 3, 1780 - Dwindling supplies force Lord Cornwallis to send a foraging party out into the Mecklenburg countryside. Three hundred British troops make their way up Beatties Ford Road toward the Hopewell Presbyterian Church. They meet fierce resistance at McIntyre’s Farm from a band of fourteen local men led by Captains Thompson and Knox. The British troops flee back to the safety of Charlotte and the British headquarters at Thomas Polk’s house. (Legette Blythe and Charles Raven Brockman.

Date of Event:

1780 - Cornwallis Departs

October 12, 1780 - The people of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County continue to vex General Cornwallis. Skirmishes such as the Battle of the Bees just nine days earlier have shown the British commander that a military victory won't be easily won. Cornwallis calls this place a Hornet's Nest of rebellion, and leaves.

Date of Event:

1780 - Nathanael Greene

October 12, 1780 - The people of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County continue to vex General Cornwallis. Skirmishes such as the Battle of the Bees just nine days earlier have shown the British commander that a military victory won't be easily won. Cornwallis calls this place a Hornet's Nest of rebellion, and leaves.

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