Cotton machinery
Machines like this were used for picking cotton. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown
Machines like this were used for picking cotton. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown
Cotton gin house with the cotton screw/press on the right. A typical gin house like this produced three bales of cotton a day. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown
Machine used for picking cotton. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown
Workers going home after a day in the cotton fields. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown
Machine reginning cotton in a cotton seed oil machine. Physical Description: 4x5. Negative Publisher: Unknown
Bales of cotton waiting at the compress. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown
Cotton Mill that manufactured yarn. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown
Cotton pickers waiting to load the wagons. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown
Plantation cotton gin house Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown
Uncle Issac and his wife (name unknown) pose for a picture in front of their cabin. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown