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Turn of the 21st Century

Flea Market

Object Title: Flea Market

Description: The Pineville Flea Market is located on Highway 51 in the last block  before the state line.

Location: Pineville (N.C.)

Date Taken: September, 2000

Photographer: Jane Johnson

Dimensions: 4X6 black and white

National Bank of Charlotte

Object Title: National Bank of Charlotte

Description: The Charlotte National Bank began in 1897 and moved into this building in 1918. The building was moved in 1985 from 128 S. Tryon St to the southwest corner of East Fourth and South Caldwell Streets.

Location: Charlotte (N.C.)

Date Taken: November, 2000

Downtown Pineville

Object Title: Downtown Pineville

Description:This photograph shows the north side of Main Street, looking west from the intersection with Johnston Road.

Location: Pineville (N.C.) 

Date Taken: September 2000

Photographer: Jane Johnson

Dimensions: 4X6 black and white

Highway 51

Object Title: Highway 51

Description: This billboard on the state line advertises a casino that had just been closed by law.

Location: Pineville (N.C.) 

Date Taken: September, 2000

Photographer: Jane Johnson

Dimensions: 4X6 black and white

Byrum's General Store

Object Title: Byrum's General Store

Location: 8510 Steele Creek Rd.Steele Creek area, Mecklenburg County (N.C) 

Date Taken: July, 2000

Photographer: Jane Johnson

Dimensions: 4X6 black and white


Object Title: Carowinds

Description: The amusement park straddles the North Carolina- South Carolina line.

Location: Steele Creek area, Mecklenburg County (N.C)

Date Taken: September, 2000

Photographer: Jane Johnson

Dimensions: 4X6 black and white

Cone Mill

Object Title: Cone Mill 

Description: This is the view of the back of the Pineville plant looking east from the Railroad tracks.

Location: Pineville (N.C.) 

Date Taken: September 2000

Photographer: Jane Johnson

Dimensions: 4X6 black and white

Cone Avenue

Object Title: Cone Avenue

Description: This is the view looking west down Cone Avenue

Location: Pineville (N.C.) 

Date Taken: September 2000

Photographer: Jane Johnson

Dimensions: 4X6 black and white


Object Title: Carowinds

Description: This tower at Carowinds stands out from miles away.

Location: Steele Creek area, Mecklenburg County (N.C)

Date Taken: September, 2000

Photographer: Jane Johnson

Dimensions: 4X6 black and white