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African American

Oscar Jackson (1877-1961)

Tribute to Mr. Oscar Jackson from John M. Scott (1866-1945), chairman of the Board for Wachovia. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown

World War II Rationing Board

World War II Rationing Board, the `colored` section. First row: Arthur E. Grier, R. P. Wilson, Dr. Nathaniel S. Tross, Adelaide Hunt, Mr. Henry Houston. Second row: Thad L. Tate, Clarence Moreland, Attorney Jesse Bowser. Third row: Fred Alexander, Dr. Thomas Watkins, Mr. Clinton L. Blake (Principal of West Charlotte High School), Walter Alexander. Circa 1940-1945.

Physical Description: 5x7 Enlarged version in exhibit.

Publisher: Unknown

Unidentified Man

An unidentified man standing. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown

Oscar Jackson Certificate

Grand Master's Certificate of Appointment to Mr. Oscar Jackson. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown

Black City Nurses

Black city nurses of the Charlotte Health Department. Seated on the first row, from left to right: Helen Glenn, Birdie Moore, Ruth Byers, Rose M. Jones, Mrs. A. E. Spears, Mrs. Gertrude Blackman. Standing, from left to right: Amanda Eason, Lillian Jenkins, Shute, Virginia Trollinger, Polly Willston, Cleo Yongue, Mary Wall Grier, Blanche Sanson, Estelle Smith Rodrickques, Louise Mason.Back row, from left to right: Hazel Blackeney (Director), Emily Nixon (Superintendent), Clara Lawrence, Dorothy Wilkins. Circa 1945-1950.

Excelsior Club

The Jacksons and McKees at the opening of the Excelsior Club. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown

Merry Makers Club

Merry Makers Club, Christmas Ball of 1947. First row: unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, Barnes Brown Wright, Eutrilla Graham, Laura M. Boston, unidentified, Ms. Hall (first name unknown), Doris Blackman, Maxine Brown. Second row: unidentified, unidentified, `Wash` Alexander, Ardrey Spencer, Ray A. Booton, George Moreland, Mr. Hall (first name unknown), Edison Blackman, S. Brown (first name unknown). Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown