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Hornet's Nest

Shaw's Tire Store

Victor Shaws' Tire Store was located on the southeast corner of North College and Sixth Streets. Physical Description: 8x10 glossy, 4x5 negatives - 2 copies Publisher: Unknown

Methodist Home for the Aged

Today, this senior citizen community is known as Aldersgate. At the time of its charter in 1943, it was called the Charlotte Methodist Home is located on Shamrock Drive in east Charlotte. It  opened its doors in June 1948. Physical Description: 8x10 glossy Publisher: Unknown

General Store

This small wooden structure at the corner of Third and Graham Street was the site of the `Big Robbery` that took place on November 15, 1933. It involved the notorious Touhy gang. The event received national attention. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown

The Cathedral of St. Patrick

Located on Dilworth Road, The John Henry Phelan family of Beaumont, Texas donated the funds to build the Saint Patrick in loving memory of his parents, Patrick and Margaret Adele Phelan.  Frank Frimmer, an Austrian native known for remodeling famous Old World churches, designed and supervised construction of the church, with its gray stucco face, 400-seat nave, balcony and 77-foot tall tower. The ground breaking took place on March 17, 1939.

World War I Doughboy Monument

This WWI monument to the `Doughboy` was given in honor of the men from Mecklenburg County who served in the war. The statue is located behind the old courthouse. Physical Description: 8x10 glossy, 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown

Belk Brothers Department Store

Employees of Belk Brothers in front of the entrance at 119 East Trade Street.  Belk Brothers opened the Charlotte store on September 25, 1895. Physical Description: 8x10 glossy, 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown.

Charlotte Memorial Hospital

Charlotte Memorial Hospital is now known as Carolinas Medical Center. It is located on Blythe Boulevard off of Kings Drive. Physical Description: 8x10 glossy - Publisher: Unknown

Cedar Grove Plantation

The Torrance House is also known as Cedar Grove and was built by James Torrance in 1831. It is located in northern Mecklenburg County. Physical Description: 8x10 glossy Publisher: Unknown