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1928- Celebration Plans
The Charlotte Observer 5/15/1928, p. 11
Col. David L. Stone, of War Department, to Be Chief Speaker Monday.
With Col. David L. Stone of the war department staff at Washington as chief speaker and with plans underway for a brilliant and colorful parade, officials of those in charge of the May 20th celebration last night arranged final details for the event.
A meeting of all committees was held at the Chamber of Commerce with Major Charles G. Montgomery presiding. At this time plans for the celebration, which will be held on Monday, as May 20 comes on Sunday, were announced.
The day’s celebration will begin with a parade starting at West Morehead Street at 10:20 going down Tryon to the square and terminating at the Mecklenburg County courthouse where Colonel Stone will speak, according to announcements made last night.
Taking part in the parade will be two military units, representatives of fraternal orders, a military band, the legion drum and bugle corps of Charlotte, possibly the legion drum and bugle corps from Gastonia, a large number of floats decorated by various patriotic organizations of the city, Charlotte firemen, and a number of military units, it was stated by the committee.
Paul R. Younts is in charge of the parade and those interested in preparing floats are asked to get in touch with him, it was announced last night.
After the parade, Colonel Stone will speak and other patriotic features will be given at the courthouse. Luncheon to distinguished guests will be given at 1 o’clock under the supervision of Walter J. Cartier, supervisor of parks and playgrounds.
Dinner will follow in the ballroom of the Charlotte Hotel at 7 o’clock, according to the announcement. This dinner will honor distinguished guests among whom will be Colonel Stone, Mrs. Henry Vass of Winston-Salem, state president of the Legion Auxiliary, Mrs. W. D. Pemberton of Concord, state president of the War Mothers’ Association, the commander of the Spanish –American war veterans in North Carolina, General Albert Cox, state commander of the American Legion, and representatives from the city and county officials. Other patriotic orders will probably be represented at this meeting and short speeches will be made by the honored guests, it was said.
A reception will follow the dinner. Many interesting features have been planned for this event, it was announced by the committee.
Business houses and homes of Charlotte will be asked to decorate in accord with the celebration and the committee is planning to make this year’s event the most colorful and patriot in the county’s history, it was declared.