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John Byrum

First Name: 
Middle Name: 
Last Name: 

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed by a shell while he was sleeping. Memorial service Jun 10, 1945 at Belmont Park Methodist Church. He was with the 511th when they jumped into the Intramuros section of Manila and freed 2,146 prisoners.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Byrum file-NCR

Personal Details

Education Details: 
Oakhurst High School
Biographical Notes: 
General Electric Xray Corp., US Rubber Co.
Family Details: 

Frances Helms Byrum: 1924 Plaza Ct., and with his parents, Charlotte, NC Mr. & Mrs. William Marion Byrum - Eastway Dr., Rt. 1, Box 1060, Charlotte, NC Howard Byrum, Lindsey Byrum - US Army HI, Mrs. R. D. Mullis, Walter Byrum, Jr. - US Navy Bainbridge, MD, Jack, Bobby and Richard Byrum

Military Details

Military Rank: 
Private First Class
Military Unit: 
511th Paratroop Unit, Co C
KIA Date: 
MIA Date: 
KIA / MIA Place: 
Luzon, Philippines
Military Details: 
California, Camp Polk, LA, Camp Croft, SC, Camp Mackall, Fort Benning, GA, Leyte, Manila, New Guinea, Tocoa, GA, Camp Butner, NC

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