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Charles Coleman

First Name: 
Middle Name: 
Last Name: 
Date of Birth: 
Kansas City, MO

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Charles Coleman was killed while serving as a co-pilot in his second mission over Germany. His death was reported by the German government through the International Red Cross. A funeral service for him was conducted at Arlington National Cemetery on 3-24-1944. A memorial service for him on 8-7-1944. Another memorial service for deceased military members and a mural unveiling was held at the Dilworth Methodist Church on 10-7-1945.

Age at Death: 20

Image Source: Dilworth Methodist Church booklet

Personal Details

Education Details: 
Atlanta, GA - 1st grade, Carlisle Military School, Bamberg, SC - 9th to 11th, Central High School, Class of 1940, Chicago, IL - 7th grade, Clemson College for 2 years, Dickson, TN - 2nd grade, Florence, SC - 8th grade, Kansas City, KA - kindergarden Omaha, Nebraska - 4th to 6th grade
Biographical Notes: 
Family Details: 

Betty Huneycutt Coleman, Charlotte, NC Mable W. Coleman - 2019 Lombardy Circle, Charlotte, NC, Mr. L. B. Coleman - Paramount Pictures Bldg. New York City, NY Dick Coleman - Charlotte, NC

Military Details

Military Rank: 
Second Lieutenant
KIA Date: 
MIA Date: 
KIA / MIA Place: 
Vechta, Germany
Military Details: 
Augusta, GA, Montgomery, AL, Orangeburg, S.C., England
Purple Heart, Wings

Newsprint, family and service personnel information, and Dilworth Methodist Church.