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Clyde Hubbard

First Name: 
Middle Name: 
Last Name: 
Date of Birth: 
Long Creek Section of Mecklenburg County

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Their mission was to cross the Roer River and take the German town of Julich. Under heavy fire outside the town of Siersdorf, he was wounded and died later at the Battalion Aid Station.

Age at Death: 28

Image Source: photo-see Clyde Hubbard file

Personal Details

Education Details: 
Long Creek School, graduate 1936
Biographical Notes: 
Farmed with father, Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Family Details: 

Edith Pender Hubbard, married 25 Feb 1939. Route #1, Huntersville, NC

Phyllis Ann Hubbard, age 6 Route #1, Huntersville, NC

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Garfield (Eula Russell) Hubbard - Route #1, Huntersville, NC

Clara Hubbard Stephens - Route #1 Huntersville, NC, Herman Hubbard - US Army CA J. C. Hubbard - Route #1 Huntersville, NC, John Frank Hubbard - US Army Germany, Katherine Hubbard Stephens - Route #1 Huntersville, NC, Mozelle Hubbard - Route #1 Huntersville, NC, Olen Hubbard - Route #1 Huntersville, NC, Vernon Hubbard - Route #1 Huntersville, NC

Military Details

Military Branch: 
Army Enlisted: 4/3/44
Military Rank: 
Military Unit: 
Co. L, 115th Inf. Regt., 29th Inf. Division
KIA Date: 
MIA Date: 
KIA / MIA Place: 
Siersdorf, Germany
Military Details: 
Ft Bragg, NC, Ft McClellan, AL, Ft Mead, MD, Scotland, England, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany

Family information and newsprint