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McIntyre's Farm
This is the earliest known print of McIntyre's Farm. When General Cornwallis invaded Mecklenburg County in 1780, a number of skirmishes between the local rebels and the British troops took place. The Battle of McIntyre's Farm took place on October 3, 1780. The log farmhouse was located on Beatties Ford Road. Cornwallis and his forces withdrew from Mecklenburg County on October 12, 1780. This image was made on April 25, 1934. This albumen print of McIntyre's Farm was taken during a picnic in the summer of 1900 when the Mecklenburg Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution placed a marker on this site. One year later in October, a monument replaced the maker. Physical Description: Albumen Publisher: Unknown
Image Negative: 1
Print: 1
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Copyright Details:
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
Image Collection Category:
Hornet's Nest
Image Collection Format:
Albumen Print