The following are two articles describing the preparations for a monument dedicated to the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence.
The Charlotte News: “The Monument” 5/19/1890 p.2 and “Moving for the Monument” 5/21/1890 front page
THE MONUMENT. That monument to the signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence must be erected, and now is the time to move in the matter. The Daily News has a fund of $1,800 to start on, and this should be taken as the nucleus of a $50,000 fund. Even people away from here say we ought to build a monument. Saturday’s Wilmington Messenger says: “We like the proposition made in the Charlotte News by a correspondent to erect a monument in memory of the Signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. Do this and put their names on one side, the Declaration on another, the 31st of May Resolutions on another, and the names of North Carolina heroes in the War of Independence on the fourth side. A shaft should be erected beyond doubt for they richly deserve it.
MOVING FOR THE MONUMENT. The Executive Committee Appointed—“The News” Adds Another $250 to Its List. That monument to the memory of the signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence is to be built. The Monumental Association has taken hold and the association has got a move on it. At the meeting yesterday, Mayor F. B. McDowell was elected president of the association, Mr. John W. Miller, treasurer, and Mr. W. C. Maxwell, secretary. The following executive committee was appointed: Dr. George W. Graham, chairman; Mr. Alexander F. Brevard, Col. H. C. Jones, Mr. E. K. P. Osborne, Dr. Joseph Graham, Dr. R. J. Brevard, Mr. J. L. Chambers, Mr. E. B. Springs, and Mr. Joseph P. Caldwell. The president, secretary and treasurer are ex-officio members of the Association. A meeting of this committee will be called at an early day. It is the intention to push the matter vigorously until success is achieved. A farmer of Mecklenburg today put his name down on The News list for a contribution of $250 to the monument. This makes The News fund amount to $2,300.