North Carolina, New map of, with its canals, roads, & distances from place to place along the stage & steam boat routes [1]
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NCa 12
New map of North Carolina with its canals, roads, & distances from place to place along the stage & steam boat routes. Thomas, Coperthwaite & Co. Scale: ¼=10 mi; 22 ½x 17. c1850. Color map; incls. table of distances, profile of the Dismal Swamp Canal, & insets of New Bern area and gold region. Note at bottom:...reproduced from Samuel Augustus Mitchell’s ‘New Universal Atlas’ published in 1851 (Charlotte, N. C. 1966 3 copies: c. 3 17x 13 ½ with scale ½=20 mi.; encapsulated in plastic; lacks note at bottom; may be page from New Universal Atlas; 1857 in pencil in lower l. h. corner.
Map Circa: